There are a growing number of short Star Trek Fan Films being made for Film classes. When finished, some are pretty good, others are a disaster. But since most of them are under 15 minutes but over 8 minutes, I decided to create a new group listing for them. Most are comedies and parodies, but not all. For the moment, they are here in no particular order.
A. Star Trek. Live Action, Golden Age. A 2 part Star Trek episode lasting over 10 minutes. Parody. Kid Trek. Appears to have been finished about two years ago. They summarize all that is silly in TOS.
Star Trek Part 1 (5:34)
I hope they got a good grade!
B. ***Strongly recommended***: Star Trek: Here Today, Gorn Tomorrow (9:08) (Silver era Comedy)
C. Church project. Star Trek: Encounter At Outpost Alpha Omega (21:08)
Kid Trek. Uniforms, rudimentary sets. Sound quality weak at times, good at other times. They say it's a film with a message, but I confess the message eluded me until they expressly stated that message, which equated the Federation and Star Fleet with Jesus and the Klingons with the devil. Mixes original shots with remixed shots from TOS TV and movies. (21:08)
YouTube Channel:
D. Star Trek Fan Film AAT IV -- The New Home (7:47). Based vaguely on JJA Trek, it is about saving a movie... with a lot of fighting and blowing up ships. Sound quality is very mediocre. College project. Claims it got some praise at a film festival.
YouTube Channel:
E. Star Trek: Marooned(5:34) a 5-minute college project follows a marooned Vulcan with a Phaser who is Marooned in wintertime on a planet. The 'monster' is a guy with a skull mask on. Strangely, the Vulcan is apparently not a vegetarian. No character development, costume, consistent narrative. Rating 2.
F. (6:04). A high school project by John Akins from 1993.
Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Mushroom Incident.
G. Star Trek: The Middle School Musical. (3:39)
H. Star Trek: The Judge: A Trip to Memory Lane. School project including faculty. Golden Age. Entirely in French, without subtitles in other languages. Live action, costumes, sets. Made in Montreal, Canada. Watch it here: (26:26).
I. Star Trek (Fan Film) When the Wolfbane Blooms (4:47) Intercuts with dolls, not animated but posed, and some other footage, not Trek footage. Done as part of a project for Graduate School. Kirk and crew are ordered to investigate strange murders on Centarus 7. Posted January 4, 2014.
J. Star Trek Parody (2:35) Produced at Sacramento City College by "City Films" Los Rios Community College District. Posted August 25, 2013.
L. From Michael Stutelberg, for extra credit, "Galactic Geography," (Sets, costumes, teen fans, CGI, Star Trek/Star Wars crossover film),
M. From Ra'Kaan, The film consists of a series of stills which include makeup, costumes, music, and words written on the screen forming a story, "The Adventures of Number Two -- A homework assignment for CIS-178," done in 2012:
N. Star Trash(1980)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 2:
Part 3:
O. The USS Millennium Falcon - A Star Wars/Star Trek Fan Film, Sets, Costumes, CGI, green screens, adult fans. (3:49). Southern Crescent Technical College of Griffin, Georgia
P. Matt Kravchuk of the Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema, a realistic film about an encounter involving a child who is a Trek fan and an adult down on his luck who is at least familiar with Star Trek, "Live Long and Prosper,"
Q. John Pallotta Studios Actor Whisperer, Star Trek TNG fan shorts. Actors switch roles.
Sept. 18, 2017,
September 19, 2017, For earlier versions of these scenes, see For more fan film shorts, see
R. Dr. Who/Star Trek Crossover Films.
Star Trek Meets Dr. Who - When Space Police Collide.
S. Reenactment of fight scene from JJAbram's first Star Trek film,
T. Recruitment film from the Ecumenical Order of Christ, a group that holds a guy from Chicago is Christ Risen and also has a number of classic anti-Semitic positions, including that all of European Jewry are the Sons of Satan. Their film: StarTrekking EpisodeOne The Arrival. SPOOF.
U. Shortened reenactment of TOS episode, "Arena", ARENA 2006 CalArts cut
V. The Adventures of the USS Parkview by The Parkview Music Club has been given it's own page on our new website at
W. Philosophical short advocating Bruce Lipton's views, Star Trek and The 6th Extinction, Mix of Golden and Silver Age, mostly Silver Age.
X. Wrath of the Chili Dogs (final project for RTV 200 at Palm Beach Community College). (2:55). Done in Winter, 1993, posted May 30, 2018.
Y. "Fight" a star Trek animation clip by 14-year-old Yotam Noy in 1997 for a class in school using Autodesk Animator. No sound. (2:38),.
Z. Logical Leo's project for Mr. Dotson's 6th-period class by Jebediah, Star Trek/Star Wars crossover with live footage. (1:58)
ZA. The Shoffice - Phoenix Video Program by Venessa Lewis from Ares Studios. A school project by Phoenix High School. (5:42). For more Select Star Trek Fan Film School and Church Projects see
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