Blog 247: Star Trek Audio Dramas
This is a list of Star Trek audio production, listed alphabetically by name.
Drama is in red/brown, Comedy is yellow. Audio books are in light blue.
Audio Books, listed in light blue, are different than Audio dramas. No attempt is being made to include all of them in this listing, while we are attempting to include all Star Trek Audio dramas. Audio books are listed in light blue.
However, both Audio Dramas and Audiobooks can be listened to during a commute or exercise.
Other sources of overall information:
Some historical data can be found dotted about the web about past Star Trek audio drama productions which might give you hints to search for "lost shows"
Kirok of L'Stok has produced lists of current Star Trek audio drama production for The Twelve Trek Days Of Christmas for ...
Note that these are snapshots from the posting date. Star Trek Reviewed listings are being kept up to date
Here is another listing:
Audio files! Trek Radio offers you All Trek, All the Time! . Also, see
Channel with assorted Star Trek Audio Books:
Audio Productions,
Alphabetical by Name.
A Call to Unity (2018)
Follow this link to the entry about this production on the new Star Trek Reviewed Database
Dispatches from the Romulan War (2007)
Based on short stories by TrekUnited members, this tells the story of the war, not from the perspective of those who fought it, but from the perspective of the news agencies that reported it.
Released as part of the Twelve Trek Days of Christmas, 2007 contributing towards the Save Enterprise campaign of TrekUnited
1: BREAKING NEWS; Salem One Station lost
First reports come in on the Earth News Network (04:05) Dec 31 2007
2: New Details Emerge About Salem One Attack
Juan Ramirez fills in more details of the tragedy (03:05) Dec 31 2007
3: Salem One Attack Creates Doubt Among Coalition Worlds
Vulcan and Andorian tension mounts on the Vulcan Information Directorate (03:04) Dec 31 2007
4: The Human Cost
An editorial by James L. Anderson of the Santa Rosa Chronicle, New Mexico (05:46) Dec 31 2007
5: Tragedy Strikes Starfleet Command
Astonishing revalation from Admiral Black by James L. Anderson (10:00) Dec 31 2007
6: Confrontation With The Romulans Leaves Columbia Badly Damaged
Starfleet News Feed reports on Columbia's first action (03:15) Dec 31 2007
No further episodes of this production planned.
First reports come in on the Earth News Network (04:05) Dec 31 2007
2: New Details Emerge About Salem One Attack
Juan Ramirez fills in more details of the tragedy (03:05) Dec 31 2007
3: Salem One Attack Creates Doubt Among Coalition Worlds
Vulcan and Andorian tension mounts on the Vulcan Information Directorate (03:04) Dec 31 2007
4: The Human Cost
An editorial by James L. Anderson of the Santa Rosa Chronicle, New Mexico (05:46) Dec 31 2007
5: Tragedy Strikes Starfleet Command
Astonishing revalation from Admiral Black by James L. Anderson (10:00) Dec 31 2007
6: Confrontation With The Romulans Leaves Columbia Badly Damaged
Starfleet News Feed reports on Columbia's first action (03:15) Dec 31 2007
No further episodes of this production planned.
Equinox (2013)
While hosting a small group of elite cadets from Starfleet Academy, the U.S.S. Equinox comes under attack from a Cardassian force commanded by Gul Malek. With most of the senior staff injured and out of commission, three cadets must help save the ship from enemy capture.
Equinox formerly Star Trek: Equinox, a planned new audio series from Hidden Frontier, announced Nov 5, 2011. Trailer (0:29) was released Nov 10, an expanded version (1:14) on Nov 12, and Credits (1:12) on December 23. iTunes
101: Shakedown
(58:16) Aug 19 2013 This was a dead link as of Oct 17 2017. Star Trek Reviewed has contacted their Facebook page asking for an update and for a current download location for this episode.
(58:16) Aug 19 2013 This was a dead link as of Oct 17 2017. Star Trek Reviewed has contacted their Facebook page asking for an update and for a current download location for this episode.
A video trailer was released, driven by the involvement of Star Trek alumni actors, John Savage, who played the original Captain of the Equinox on Voyager, and Gary Lockwood, who appeared in the Shatner pilot in TOS. Announced in 2014-15, it has since been discontinued and the audio drama is to go ahead. See mentions on Blog 210 and Blog 100.
On Jun 30 2016, on their Facebook page, they announced that after learning that the new regulations from CBS / Paramount did not apparently apply to audio productions, they were resuming production in early July re-titled as simply "Equinox". The intention was to release episode 1x00 "Launch", re-release episode 1x01 "Shakedown", and then episode 1x02 "The Array" - "Launch" and "The Array" are two previously planned episodes. There was also talk of an original sci-fi audio series.
On Oct 06 2016 they announced on the Hidden Frontier Productions website, "Work on remastering has been suspended until we learn whether or not legacy materials are covered under the [new] guidelines."
No change as at May 29, 2019
____________________________________________Ethical Subroutine
Audio Fan Fiction Library
Based on Star Trek: Voyager (2:06)
No further episodes of this production planned.
Excaliber Logs (2015; 2018)
Golden Age; (not to be confused with the three other audio and video shows with the name Star Trek: Excaliber) Described as 'an illustrated audio drama' by it's creator, Gary Davis, it can be enjoyed as audio only or by watching the 2D low-quality animation on Youtube. Made with mechanical voices, Gary is currently casting for voice actors to re-do the production. Released under the banner of Dominion Media with David R Wrenn the producer of Star Trek: Outlaws. Note the revised opening credits released on Apr 01 2017 lists the new cast.
1: Who Haunts This Ship
This episode was originally released as three chapters on Jul 11, 18 & 26 2015
Combined into a single video (1:21:39) Aug 11 2015
Revised opening credits listing new cast (1:02) Apr 01 2017
Re-released and renamed "The Haunting" An illustrated Audio Drama, with real voice actors, not electronic voices. (1:07:44).
No change as at May 29, 2019
____________________________________________Federation Rebirth
The crew of the USS-Rebirth are docked at Andoria awaiting their new doctor when everything changes.
Episode 1 of a planned new audio drama series from the makers of Star Trek: Requirius. There was a video trailer made for episode two but is is a dead link as of 02/04/2016. Produced by Shady Beach Productions, it features some of the same individuals as the fan film series, Star Trek: Requirius, for which see Blog 91.
The makers of this production have said on Jun 16 2016 that, because of the new fan film guidelines, they will be releasing no more Star Trek fan productions
Updated as at Oct 10 2017

The Galaxy Quest Restoration Project (2015)
Fictionshed has recreated - for the first time! - the early episodes of the TV adventures that made the crew of the N.S.E.A Protector a household name between 1979 and 1982 and propelled the actors onto the convention circuit where we saw them in the hit film "Galaxy Quest". Was it fiction or did Fictionshed's Mike Morley discover the original video tapes, horrendously damaged, in an old studio basement in uptown L.A. in 2012 - the only ones known (or imagined) to be in existence. The video damaged beyond repair, expert James Johnson of Johnson's Media Factory of Avon Lake Ohio, was able to salvage and digitally enhance the audio tracks to make the Galaxy Quest Restoration Project possible!
Fictionshed have produced a fictional action / comedy Audio series about a fictional TV series featured in a movie whose plot is a satire of a real TV series - Star Trek! Review by Starburst magazine. Episode 3, Balance of Darkness, was a finalist and ultimately, the winner of the 2016 Parsec awards in the 'Best Speculative Fiction Audio Drama (Short Form)' category. Video teaser, Website, Facebook, RSS.
1. Grey is Gray
The intrepid crew of the NSEA Protector are due some well-earned shore leave after a long mission. Little do they know that their journey home is about to take an unexpected detour... (21:55) Mar 11 2015
2. Lilith
The NSEA Protector meet 'Lilith', an ancient being with ancient powers! Will she be friend or foe? Also includes bonus introduction feature - Al Kessel interviews Gwen DeMarco.(29:05) Jul 30 2015
3. Balance of Darkness
A viral infection has ran wild through Beliaeva mining colony since it was first established. Promising vaccines have only resulted in the virus mutating into a stronger form. The NSEA considers drastic measures as the virus manifests itself on other colonies when a young cadet comes from nowhere with a cure, but is it too little, too late?(39:35) Nov 28 2015
Sep 05 2016, "Balance of Darkness" won the 2016 Parsec Award for Audio Drama, short form.The intrepid crew of the NSEA Protector are due some well-earned shore leave after a long mission. Little do they know that their journey home is about to take an unexpected detour... (21:55) Mar 11 2015
2. Lilith
The NSEA Protector meet 'Lilith', an ancient being with ancient powers! Will she be friend or foe? Also includes bonus introduction feature - Al Kessel interviews Gwen DeMarco.(29:05) Jul 30 2015
3. Balance of Darkness
A viral infection has ran wild through Beliaeva mining colony since it was first established. Promising vaccines have only resulted in the virus mutating into a stronger form. The NSEA considers drastic measures as the virus manifests itself on other colonies when a young cadet comes from nowhere with a cure, but is it too little, too late?(39:35) Nov 28 2015
No change as at May 29, 2019
Gates of Sto'vo'kor (2011-2016)
Klingons Haukj, G'hargh,Korrath and their companions meet to share stories of honor and glory, discuss the state of the empire, and drink blood wine.
Commentary, comedy, storytelling and drama based on the Klingon & Federation Factions in Star Trek Online.
Website, RSS Facebook
0.01. The Making Of: The Gates of Sto’vo’kor and Starfinder Crossover Special
Production details of this audio drama crossover Nov 21 2014
0.02. Some Kind of Star Trek
Review Jan 13 2015
1. Episode 1
Wa’maH wej, G'hargh, and Korrath meet to share stories of honor and glory, discuss the state of the empire, and drink blood wine. (1:05:00) Jun 16 2011
2. Episode 2
G'hargh, and Korrath briefly examine Klingon & Federation Factions within Star Trek Online. This week Wa'maH wej tells us the story of Zonerie's Sub'pu Vos… Jun 16 2011
3. Episode 3
A closer look at the species in the Empire in Star Trek Online. Jun 23 2011
4. Episode 4
Wa’meH wej, G’hargh, and Korrath offer young Klingon Military Academy graduates battle tips and suggestions on how to use their cloaking devices in battle Jun 29 2011
5. Season 4 Release
The Empire is expanding, begining with the First City on Qo'noS and open access to most of the quadrant. New weapons, new ground combat, vivox voice chat, and adaptable borg are all here and ready for us to sink our teeth in to. Jul 07 2011
6. Episode 5
G'hargh tells us a story, Dassom_Ultor’s song, Destruction of DS9 and the Gates of Sto'vo'kor's house band, Il Troubadore debuts. Jul 18 2011
7. Episode 6
Wa’meH wej, G’hargh, and Korrath meet to discuss some of the new changes to ground combat. Jul 19 2011
8. Episode 7
Wa’meH wej, G’hargh, and Korrath look at a variety of traits for captains and bridge officers with a preference towards ground. Jul 28 2011
9. Episode 8
Wa’meH wej, G’hargh, and Korrath take a stroll around the First City on Qo'noS. Aug 11 2011
10. Episode 10
Wa’meH wej, G’hargh, and Korrath discuss the Kahless that was, Kahless that is, and the Kuvah Magh. Sep 19 2011
11. Gates of Stovokor 11
Wa’meH wej, G’hargh, and Korrath meet to discuss some of the Empire's Bat'leth and other battle tournaments. Oct 25 2011
12. Klingon Honor Songs
For this years Day of Honor, high spirits fueled on barrels of bloodwine, we present to you, honored warriors of the Empire, these Klingon Honor Songs. Nov 30 2011
13. Twas the Night Before Battle
Twas the night before battle, when all through our house Not apetaQ was stirring, not even that louse; Our gauntlets were hung in the armory with care, In the hopes that Warrior Kahless soon would be there Dec 09 2011
14. 13 – Science in the Empire
G'hargh, Korrath, Hauk, and Deyvid talk about science within the Klingon Defense Force. Dec 14 2011
15. Stovodor Cigar 1
Gates of Sto'vo'kor welcomes our new sponsor, Stovodor Cigars and Fine Tobaccos. Listen to the commercial or else ... Qa'Pla! Jan 16 2012
16. Stovodor Cigar 2
Gates of Sto’vo’kor welcomes our new sponsor, Stovodor Cigars and Fine Tobaccos. Listen to the commercial or else … Qa’Pla! Jan 16 2012
17. 14 – Baked Tribble
This week G'hargh tells Korrath, Hauk, and Deyvid why he had to kill his cook. Jan 16 2012
18. 15 – New Ships
G'hargh, Deyvid, Hauk, and Korrath are in the shipyard getting a good look at all of the new ships developed by the Imperial fleet yards. Jan 29 2012
18. 15 – New Ships
G'hargh, Deyvid, Hauk, and Korrath are in the shipyard getting a good look at all of the new ships developed by the Imperial fleet yards. Jan 29 2012
19. 16 – Bortas Launch Party & Letter to the Federation
G’hargh, Deyvid, Hauk, and Korrath are hosting the festivities for the BortaS Launch Party and comment on a Letter to the Federation. Feb 02 2012
20. 17 – Klingon Honor
G'hargh, Deyvid, Hauk, and Korrath discuss Klingon Honor plus a special announcement for the Klingon Awareness Week running from April 1st to 7th. Mar 17 2012
21. Klingon Awareness Week #2
Gates of Sto'vo'kor will be participating in the Klingon Awareness Week Activities within Star Trek Online to help bring attention to the Klingon Faction within Star Trek Online. Mar 17 2012
22. Targs in Ecstasy Bat’leth Tournament
Gates of Sto’vo’kor and Tribbles Targs in Ecstasy have co-sponsored a Melee-only Bat’leth Tournament to be held during Klingon Awareness Week. The Last warrior standing from each round will proceed until no other challengers remain. Mar 30 2012
23. Gates of Sto’vo’kor Gear
Introducing the Gates of Sto'vo'kor store and a short message from Korrath, "G'hargh ... I swear if I have to clean up one more of his messes, I’m going to kill him…" Apr 02 2012
24. 18 – Subspace Messages
G’hargh, Deyvid, Hauk, and Korrath try to eavesdrop on Federation comm chatter, but instead discover something even more interesting, an interview with Dan Stahl, the Executive Producer of Star Trek Online. Apr 03 2012
25. Foundry Mission Contest Featuring the Ferengi
The Gates of Sto'vo'kor sponsor a Star Trek Online Foundry Mission Contest featuring the Ferengi for the KDF faction and must have a run time of no more than 30 to 45 minutes Apr 16 2012
26. 19 – Tour of the Klingon Military Academy
G’hargh and Hauk join Korrath on a trip to the Klingon Military Academy to select some new bekks for duty on his ship, when they encounter Deyvid giving a tour to a group of academy cadets. Apr 27 2012
27. 20 – Safari So Good
G'hargh tells Korrath, Hauk and Deyvid of his latest adventure, a tale written by lore singer Meth_Shadowstorm, called Safari So Good. Mar 25 2012
28. 21 – Raid on A Secret Federation Research Facility Part 1
Korrath is worried about his newest crewman, a Botanist, that he had sent on a very important mission for the Empire. Jun 25 2012
29. 22 – Raid on a Secret Federation Research Facility (Part 2)
Korrath is poisoned but shares the story of what happened to him, concluding the previous episode Jun 27 2012
30. 23 – JFS47
G'hargh is in a good mood and buying rounds for the house as he shares the story of a recent raid against a Federation Medical Facility at JFS47. Jul 20 2012
31. 24 – Loresinger Kestrel The Great
G'hargh goes missing during a speech by Loresinger Kestrel, when he returns he has a surprise and an exclusive conversation with Kestrel over some bloodwine about the Empire and her storytelling. Jul 30 2012
32. 25 – Women of the Empire
Deyvid is speaking to G'hargh, who's busy watching a quartet of Klingon Warriors. When Hauk and Korrath join them, they discover that Hauk knows them. Meet the women of the Empire. Aug 08 2012
33. 26 – Kobayashi Maru Prank
G’hargh, Hauk, and Deyvid are tormented by a Federation Holo-program G'hargh has obtained. An entry for the G & T Show's Kobayashi Maru Audio Drama Contest. Aug 15 2012
34. Warrior’s Den Supplemental #1
Discussion with the cast members of the recent episode, The Women of the Empire at Star Trek Las Vegas 2012 Aug 21 2012
35. 27 – The Arms Race
Korrath, Hauk, and Deyvid are back in the bar, while G'hargh is up to mischief with Korrath's tools working on some new project at the Imperial Salvage Yards. Aug 29 2012
36. 28 – Reflections on the Gorn
Korrath, Hauk, and Deyvid are at the shipyard looking for G’hargh who has invited them to see his new ship, when Korrath gets into a fight with a Gorn named Sskald, the newest member of the Gates of Sto'vo'kor. Sep 19 2012
37. STLV Podcaster’s Roundup
Thoughts and experiences from the Devs Panel at the Star Trek Las Vegas Convention. Sep 20 2012
38. 29 – Honor of Profit
G'hargh and Sskald share an adventure they had with Korrath, Deyvid, and Hauk attending an auction for the last Veron-T Disruptor known to exist. Sep 26 2012
39. Dying Wish Vignette
A short vignette called Dying Wish, featuring the back stories of one of our new members, Zadok. Nov 14 2012
40. Temporal Foundry Contest Winners!
Warrior brothers and sisters of the Empire, Gates of Sto'Vo'Kor have determined our winners! FIRST PLACE: Time Will Tell Author: XR-377 Jan 06 2013
41. 30 – Hamlet and Bloodshine
Korrath, Sskald, Deyvid, and G'hargh have a brief tour of Hauk's ship as they make their way to their next mission, when he introduces them to a concoction his bartender created. Jan 24 2013
42. 31 – The Morning After Bloodshine
Hung over from Bloodshine; Korrath, Sskald, G'hargh, Deyvid, and Hauk report to the transporter room where they are met with a surprise that not everyone takes well to. Jan 31 2013
43. 32 – Cooperative Efforts
Ladies K'Shara and Selei discuss their recent mission whilst Korrath, Deyvid, and Hauk are on the station with Priority One's Elijah and James as they attempt to complete their mission and Sskald, G'hargh, and Adrianne remain aboard… Feb 07 2013
44. 33 – Death And Taxes
G'hargh, Deyvid, Hauk, and Sskald are at the bar waiting for Korrath who arrives late with a Lethean friend from the Imperial Revenue Service named Karn. Feb 14 2013
45. The Pirate Guild Awards Teaser?!
Sskald delivers a teaser clip from the upcoming Gates of Sto-vo-kor season finale, The Pirate Guild Awards. Mar 15 2013
46. Pirate Guild Awards Teaser 2!
A Brave and Glorious Day of Honor warriors! As the crew of the Bortasqu' return to Qo'nos and tell tales of honor and glory Apr 09 2013
47. D’Stahl Returns
Korrath, G'hargh, Sskald, Karn, and Bazag sit down with D'Stahl to discuss the Klingon faction within Star Trek Online. Jun 24 2013
48. Little Warrior’s First Battle Primer – Tribble Edition
Zadok reads a children's story to little warriors about to embark on their first Tribble Hunt. Aug 07 2013
49. The Pirate Guild Awards
G'hargh takes Korrath, Deyvid, Hauk, and Sskald to the annual Pirate Guild Awards Ceremony. Nov 11 2013
50. Theme Song
Gates of Sto'vo'kor has its own theme music! The song was created some time ago and we have been sitting on it for a while now.… Oct 07 2014
51. Messages From the Outback – Part 1
A Starfinder Crossover Special, this is the prelude to the two part story Starfinder: A Gorn of A Different Color (33:19) Nov 21 2014
52. Messages From the Outback – Part 2
This episode is the epilogue to the Starfinder two part story Starfinder: A Gorn of A Different Color Jan 02 2015
53. 3-1 Revenge: It’s For Dinner!
In the season three premiere, Hauk and G'hargh have put their differences aside Feb 03 2015
54. 3-2 Vengeance is Life!
The Warriors of Sto-vo-kor have returned with a new tale of Honor, Glory, and an old score settled Jun 11 2016
Griffith Trek
A one-shot by Jared Cowing, written and recorded to accompany a geocaching game at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles California. Cowing considers himself primarily a composer, so pay particular attention to the music. It is composed of four files totaling 19 minutes 46 seconds
Henglaar, MD (2009-2016)
Henglaar M.D. stars the ex CMO of the USS Excelsior from Hidden Frontier as he tries to forget his past and moves into teaching.
From Hidden Frontier Productions. Reviewed at Radio Drama Reviews
Facebook. iTunes
1: Recalled To Life
Doctor Henglaar must put aside his past and fight for the life of a dear friend’s daughter. Will they discover the cure in time ? What will the Klingons eat for dinner ? Will Henglaar’s past get in the way of true happiness? (40:23) Jul 29 2009
2: Best Served Cold
Doctor Henglaar and his team (Drs. Vonus, Profto and Lucas Noah) begin their new assignment aboard the hospital ship USS Cole as part of the Romulan defense fleet. Henglaar is forced to confront ghosts from his past when a Starfleet Intelligence operative, the sister of the man who killed Myra Elbrey, becomes his first team's first patient. (32:32) Mar 17 2010
3: Risk Factors
Tensions run high aboard the Cole when Dr. Noah's former CO, a joined Trill, is brought aboard as the team's newest patient. Matters become even more complicated when Dr. Vonus opts to engage in more than just her usual self-experimentation. (33:34) Aug 5 2010
4: Good With Words
An accident on Unity Station provides Dr. Henglaar and his team with their first Romulan patient. The Centurion's life hangs in the balance while the team does double duty, attempting to diagnose and cure a new issue that develops while fending off his Commander, who is determined to execute him as a Klingon spy. (34:28) Sep 29 2010
5: Profit Without Honor
Hundreds of lives hang in the balance when Dana Russell presents Henglaar and his team with a new patient that could damage relations between the Romulans and the Federation. Dr. Profto must deal with the consequences of his family's actions while Dr. Noah is forced to confront a ghost from his past. (38:13) Feb 22 2011
6: Vector of Infection
After an autopsy gone awry, Henglaar and his team have only thirty minutes to solve the mystery of a doomed Federation freighter or the crew of the Cole will face the same fate. (30:25) Dec 5 2011
7: Final Exam
Henglaar's team prepares for their final exam, a simulated battle on a Romulan frontier world. However, the simulation becomes all too real when an old enemy reappears. (48:41) Mar 20 2013
Trailer for Season 2
1: Graduation, Part One
Without backup, Captain Karsten and the crew of the Cole must devise a strategy to rescue Henglaar and his team before they all run out of time. (37:51) Jun 9 2013, Director's edition (82:24)(1:22:24) Released May 23 2015, also available on Spreaker
2: Graduation, Part Two
As time runs out, a member of Henglaar's team puts their life on the line to find a cure for the Tholians' newest bio-weapon. (47:16) Jun 28 2013
3: Internal Affairs
1st Preview, 2nd preview Aug 30 2015, 3rd preview (1:55) Dec 8 2015
Improvised Star Trek
See under Voyages of the USS Sisyphus
Outpost(2009 - present)

Facebook. RSS. Free iTunes. Streaming on tunein.
Formerly Star Trek: Outpost, this audio drama by Giant Gnome Productions was the winner of the 2013 Parsec Award for Best Long Form Drama, the first fan production to ever win this award and followed it up in March 2014 with another win! Listen to the awards ceremony HERE.

Here is a link to ALL of the Outpost episodes, starting with the most recent. Links below are in order.
Another link to ALL Outpost episodes, starting with the most recent.
Season 1
1: What Could Be So Bad?
Nov 5, 2009 (49:34)
9: Successful Negotiations
Dec 5, 2009 (39:18)
10: Uneasy Reunions ,
Season 3
Episode 23. "Shades of the Future." Released April 5, 2011. (1:07:42)
Episode 24. "Drawing Back The Veils" Released May 5, 2011. veils/ (1:02:50)
Episode 25. "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" Released June 5, 2011. steps-back/ (1:14:21)
Epiosde 26. "The Melnoran Solution - Part I" Released July 5, 2011. part-i/ (1:11:55)
Episode 27. "The Melnoran Solution - Part II" Released August 5, 2-11. part-ii/ (1:03:05)
Episode 28. "The Melnoran Solution - Part III" Released September 5, 2011. melnoran-solution-part-iii/ (1:08:18)
Episode 29. "The Needs of the Many" Released October 5, 2011. (1:02:26)
Episode 30. "The Needs of the Few" Released November 5, 2011. (55:24)
Episode 31. "Old Friends and Memories." Released December 5, 2011. memories/ (1:04:06)
Episode 32. "The Gathering Storm" Released January 5, 2012. (55:18)
Episode 33. "The Tell-Tail Ferengi" Released February 5, 2012. ferengi/ (1:01:14)
Season 4
Episode 34. "Eye of the Storm" Released April 5, 2012 (1:03:19)
Episode 35. "Thunder and Lightning" Released May 5, 2012. (55:06)
Episode 35A. Special Episode released May 15, 2012: "What Lies Hidden." hidden/ (11:56)
Episode 36. "Heart of the Storm" Released June 5, 2012. (55:08)
Episode 37. "Dark Dawn" Released July 5, 2012 dawn/ (55:45)
Episode 38. "Enemy In The Darkness" Released August 5, 2012. (1:00:01)
Episode 39. "Half The Battle" Released September 5, 2012. (1:00:28)
Episode 40. "With Your Shield Or On It" Released October 5, 2012. (58:37)
Episode 41. "Profit in the Wind, Part I" Released November 5, 2012 (59:47)
Episode 42. "Profit in the Wind, Part II" Released December 5, 2012. (1:05:27)
Episode 43. "Profit in the Wind, Part III" Released January 5, 2013 episode-43-profit-in-the-wind-part-iii/ (1:00:08)
Episode 44. "Profit in the Wind, Part IV" Released February 5, 2013 44-profit-in-the-wind-part-iv/ (57:34)
Episode 44A. "Follow the Script" Released March 5, 2013 (12:24)
Season 5
Episode 45. "The Enclave" Released April 5, 2013 episode-45-the-enclave/ (52:14)
Episode 46. "The Price of Loyalty" Released May 5, 2013, (58:21)
Episode 47. "As Time Goes By" Released June 5, 2013, (54:45)
Episode 47A. "Memories of Miragosa" Released June 10, (15:31)
Episode 47B. "Encounter at Miragosa" Released June 15, 2013 , miragosa/ (22:05)
Episode 48. "On Borrowed Time" Released July 5, 2013. (55:20)
Episode 49. "Double-Edged Sword" Released August 5, 2013. (55:58)
Episode 50. "Best of Intentions" Released September 5, 2013 (1:06:35)
Episode 51. "The Long Road Home" Released October 12, 2013. home/ (1:08:35)
Episode 52. "Backwash" Released November 2, 2013, posted November 4, 2013: episode-52-backwash/ (1:03:37). Online listening only:
Episode 53. "Homecoming." Released December 4, 2013. (57:44) Online listening only:
Episode 54. "The Inside Man." Released January 3, 2014, posted January 5, 2014. episode-54-the-inside-man/ (53:55). Online listening only: .
Episode 55. "Bits and Pieces." Last episode of Season 5. Released Feb. 5, 2014. trek-outpost-episode-55-bits-and-pieces/ (59:36).
Feb. 11, 2014, interview about Star Trek: Outpost:

Season 6
Episode 56. "Confrontation," first Episode fo Season 6. Released April 5, 2014, episode-56-confrontation/ (56:15)
Episode 57. "Bishop to Queen Four," Episode 2 of Season 6, released May 4, 2014, bishop-to-queen-four/ (1:06:48)
Episode 58. "Fiction of Diplomacy," Episode 3 of Season 6. released June 4, 2014, outpost-episode-58-fiction-diplomacy/ (1:03:55)
Episode 59. "Path Forward" Episode 4 of Season 6. Released July 7, 2014, episode-59-paths-forward/ (1:02:32)
Episode 60. "Mending Fences" Episode 5 of Season 6. Release August 10, 2014. outpost-episode-60-mending-fences/ (1:07:56)
Episode 61, "Window to Heaven." Episode 6 of Season 6. Release September 4, 2014. episode-61-window-of-heaven/ (1:12:51)
Episode 62, "Bait and Switch" Episode 7 of Season 6, Released October 4, 2014, Listen to it or download it here: (56:58)
Episode 63, "The Power of Ignorance" Episode 8 of Season 6, Released November 13, 2014. listen or download here: trek-outpost-episode-63-power-ignorance/ (1:16:11)
Episode 64, Part 1, "Echos" Part 1. Episode 9 Part 1 of Season 6, Released December 5, 2014. Listen or download here: (54:37).
Episode 64, Part 2, "Echoes" Part 2. Episode 9 Part 2 of Season 6, released December 15, 2014, episode-64-echoes-part-ii/ (40:35)
As of December 17, 2014, Edward Winterrose, who plays the role Captain Montaine Buchanan has won Best Actor in A Fan/Adaption Ensemble Role from the Audio Verse Awards.
Episode 65, "What Price Survival", Episode 10 of Season 6. Released January 6, 2015, episode-65-what-price-survival/ (1:00:04)
Discussion, "All Good Things, Episode 26 (January 18, 2015)
Episode 66, "Life in the Balance" Episode 11, last episode of Season 6. Promo released February 9, 2015, . Episode (February 10, 2015) episode-66-life-in-the-balance/ (1:02:16)
Season 7
Episode 67, "A Past Too Well Remembered," Episode 1 of Season 7. Promo posted May 11, 2015: Episode (May 11, 2015) outpost-episode-67-a-past-too-well-remembered/ (57:49)
Episode 67A "Ferengi Apprentice," which is Episode 2 of Season 7, Listen or download here: episode-67a-ferengi-apprentice/ (30:05) (June 6, 2015)
Episode 68, "Illusion of Life," which is Episode 3 of Season 7, Listen or download here: episode-68-illusion-of-life/ (1:02:08). (August 12, 2015)
Episode 69, "Charon's Obol," which is Episode 4 of Season 7, Listen or download here: outpost-episode-69-charons-obol/ (55:42). (October 5, 2015)
Episode 70, "Go Thou Not Meekly," Which is Episode 5 of Season 7, Listen or download here:
70-go- thou-not-meekly/ (November 15, 2015)

Apr 5, 2009 (56:51)
2: From Bad To Worse
May 5, 2009 (52:41)
3: No More, No Less
Jun 5, 2009 (59:53)
4: Maneuvers and Deceptions
Jul 5, 2009 (1:07:05)
5: Exacting A Pound Of Flesh
Aug 5, 2009 (38:17)
6: Inquisition
Sep 5, 2009 (45:40)
7: To Every Season
Oct 5, 2009 (1:03:58)
8: A Little Give and Take 5, 2009 (49:34)
9: Successful Negotiations
Dec 5, 2009 (39:18)
10: Uneasy Reunions ,
Jan 5, 2010 (59:12)
11: Into the Rough Seas,
Feb 5, 2010 (51:42)
Season 2

Apr 5, 2010 (1:09:05)
May 5, 2010 (1:08:23)
Jun 5, 2010 (1:11:13)
Jul 5, 2010 (1:09:07)
Aug 5, 2010 (57:24)
Sep 5, 2010 (1:04:58)
Oct 5, 2010 (1:01:40)
Nov 5, 2010 (52:14)
Dec 5, 2010 (1:05:48)
Jan 5, 2011 (1:26:48)
Feb 5, 2011 (1:12:00)
Season 3
Episode 23. "Shades of the Future." Released April 5, 2011. (1:07:42)
Episode 24. "Drawing Back The Veils" Released May 5, 2011. veils/ (1:02:50)
Episode 25. "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back" Released June 5, 2011. steps-back/ (1:14:21)
Epiosde 26. "The Melnoran Solution - Part I" Released July 5, 2011. part-i/ (1:11:55)
Episode 27. "The Melnoran Solution - Part II" Released August 5, 2-11. part-ii/ (1:03:05)
Episode 28. "The Melnoran Solution - Part III" Released September 5, 2011. melnoran-solution-part-iii/ (1:08:18)
Episode 29. "The Needs of the Many" Released October 5, 2011. (1:02:26)
Episode 30. "The Needs of the Few" Released November 5, 2011. (55:24)
Episode 31. "Old Friends and Memories." Released December 5, 2011. memories/ (1:04:06)
Episode 32. "The Gathering Storm" Released January 5, 2012. (55:18)
Episode 33. "The Tell-Tail Ferengi" Released February 5, 2012. ferengi/ (1:01:14)
Season 4
Episode 34. "Eye of the Storm" Released April 5, 2012 (1:03:19)
Episode 35. "Thunder and Lightning" Released May 5, 2012. (55:06)
Episode 35A. Special Episode released May 15, 2012: "What Lies Hidden." hidden/ (11:56)
Episode 36. "Heart of the Storm" Released June 5, 2012. (55:08)
Episode 37. "Dark Dawn" Released July 5, 2012 dawn/ (55:45)
Episode 38. "Enemy In The Darkness" Released August 5, 2012. (1:00:01)
Episode 39. "Half The Battle" Released September 5, 2012. (1:00:28)
Episode 40. "With Your Shield Or On It" Released October 5, 2012. (58:37)
Episode 41. "Profit in the Wind, Part I" Released November 5, 2012 (59:47)
Episode 42. "Profit in the Wind, Part II" Released December 5, 2012. (1:05:27)
Episode 43. "Profit in the Wind, Part III" Released January 5, 2013 episode-43-profit-in-the-wind-part-iii/ (1:00:08)
Episode 44. "Profit in the Wind, Part IV" Released February 5, 2013 44-profit-in-the-wind-part-iv/ (57:34)
Episode 44A. "Follow the Script" Released March 5, 2013 (12:24)
Season 5
Episode 45. "The Enclave" Released April 5, 2013 episode-45-the-enclave/ (52:14)

Episode 47. "As Time Goes By" Released June 5, 2013, (54:45)
Episode 47A. "Memories of Miragosa" Released June 10, (15:31)
Episode 47B. "Encounter at Miragosa" Released June 15, 2013 , miragosa/ (22:05)
Episode 48. "On Borrowed Time" Released July 5, 2013. (55:20)

Episode 50. "Best of Intentions" Released September 5, 2013 (1:06:35)
Episode 51. "The Long Road Home" Released October 12, 2013. home/ (1:08:35)
Episode 52. "Backwash" Released November 2, 2013, posted November 4, 2013: episode-52-backwash/ (1:03:37). Online listening only:

Episode 54. "The Inside Man." Released January 3, 2014, posted January 5, 2014. episode-54-the-inside-man/ (53:55). Online listening only: .
Episode 55. "Bits and Pieces." Last episode of Season 5. Released Feb. 5, 2014. trek-outpost-episode-55-bits-and-pieces/ (59:36).
Feb. 11, 2014, interview about Star Trek: Outpost:

Season 6
Episode 56. "Confrontation," first Episode fo Season 6. Released April 5, 2014, episode-56-confrontation/ (56:15)
Episode 57. "Bishop to Queen Four," Episode 2 of Season 6, released May 4, 2014, bishop-to-queen-four/ (1:06:48)
Episode 58. "Fiction of Diplomacy," Episode 3 of Season 6. released June 4, 2014, outpost-episode-58-fiction-diplomacy/ (1:03:55)
Episode 59. "Path Forward" Episode 4 of Season 6. Released July 7, 2014, episode-59-paths-forward/ (1:02:32)
Episode 60. "Mending Fences" Episode 5 of Season 6. Release August 10, 2014. outpost-episode-60-mending-fences/ (1:07:56)
Episode 61, "Window to Heaven." Episode 6 of Season 6. Release September 4, 2014. episode-61-window-of-heaven/ (1:12:51)
Episode 62, "Bait and Switch" Episode 7 of Season 6, Released October 4, 2014, Listen to it or download it here: (56:58)
Episode 63, "The Power of Ignorance" Episode 8 of Season 6, Released November 13, 2014. listen or download here: trek-outpost-episode-63-power-ignorance/ (1:16:11)
Episode 64, Part 1, "Echos" Part 1. Episode 9 Part 1 of Season 6, Released December 5, 2014. Listen or download here: (54:37).
Episode 64, Part 2, "Echoes" Part 2. Episode 9 Part 2 of Season 6, released December 15, 2014, episode-64-echoes-part-ii/ (40:35)
As of December 17, 2014, Edward Winterrose, who plays the role Captain Montaine Buchanan has won Best Actor in A Fan/Adaption Ensemble Role from the Audio Verse Awards.
Episode 65, "What Price Survival", Episode 10 of Season 6. Released January 6, 2015, episode-65-what-price-survival/ (1:00:04)
Discussion, "All Good Things, Episode 26 (January 18, 2015)
Episode 66, "Life in the Balance" Episode 11, last episode of Season 6. Promo released February 9, 2015, . Episode (February 10, 2015) episode-66-life-in-the-balance/ (1:02:16)
Season 7
Episode 67, "A Past Too Well Remembered," Episode 1 of Season 7. Promo posted May 11, 2015: Episode (May 11, 2015) outpost-episode-67-a-past-too-well-remembered/ (57:49)

Episode 68, "Illusion of Life," which is Episode 3 of Season 7, Listen or download here: episode-68-illusion-of-life/ (1:02:08). (August 12, 2015)
Episode 69, "Charon's Obol," which is Episode 4 of Season 7, Listen or download here: outpost-episode-69-charons-obol/ (55:42). (October 5, 2015)
Episode 70, "Go Thou Not Meekly," Which is Episode 5 of Season 7, Listen or download here:
70-go- thou-not-meekly/ (November 15, 2015)

Episode 71, "Seeds of Chaos," which is Episode 6 of Season 7. Listen or download here: 71-seeds-chaos/ (1:00:52)(January 13, 2016)
Star Trek Outpost Convention: first-star-trek-outpost-convention/
Episode 71A which is Episode 7 of Season 7, "Wargames," listen or download here: wargames/ (19:08).(Feb. 24, 2016)
Episode 71B which is Episode 8 of Season 7, "The Hunt," Listen or download here: hunt/ (22:02)(April 25, 2016)
Episode 72 which is Episode 9 of Season 7, "Wicked Harvest," Listen or download here: harvest/ (55:19)(Released May 18, 2016)
Episode 72A, which is Episode 10 of Season 7, "The Fiftieth Percentile" (released 9/23/2016), Listen or download here: (16:33).
Episode 73, which is Episode 11 of Season 7, "Dark Tidings" (released 12/24/2016), Listen or download here:
Episode 74A, which is Episode 12 of Season 7, "Negotiations," Listen or download here: May 3, 2017)
Episode 74, which is Episode 13 of Season 7, "Secrets Kept" Listen or download here: May 11, 2017)
Episode 75, which is Episode 14 of Season 7, "Eight Bells." Promo released 10/09/2017, full episode released 10/10/2017, Listen or Download here:
Episode 76, which is Episode 15 of Season 7, "Come What May," (released 12/7/2017) listen or download
here: (56:20).
Episode 76A, which is Episode 16 of Season 7, "Expecting the Unexpected," (released 7/27/2018) listen or download here: (20:00)
Season 8
Episode 78, Which is Episode 2 of Season 8, "Ours Is But To Do," (released 11/7/2018), (1:07:54)
Episode 78A, Which is Episode 3 of Season 8, "Dark Omega." (released 11/18/2018), (17:42)
Episode 78B, Which is Episode 4 of Season 8, "Man in the Shadows," (released December 25, 2018), (12:51). (12:50)

Episode 79 (Episode 6, Season 8) This Hallowed Space Part 1. The U.S.S. Chimera arrives at Wolf 359 to join the Federation fleet and discovers they are in for a lot more than they bargained for. (1:00:20) 02 Feb 2020.
Episode 79A (Episode 7, Season 8), Look, Don't Touch. (26:19). 26 March 2020.

Psychotic Hour - The Return of Vorg
Raumschiff Eberswalde (2009-2013)
The personal log of starfleet officer Robert Thomas of the Spaceship Eberswalde in the 25th century.
On May 7, 2016, Spaceship Eberswalde, Germany's first Star Trek audio drama podcast celebrated Star Trek's 50th birthday with 7 new releases, bringing them to a massive 508 episodes over 14 years! Thanks to eMBee for discovering this missing fan Trek series! More information about this resurrected fan series can be found in Blog 220 which is dedicated to German Language productions.
1-3. Pilot 04:42
4-25. Trailers & Specials
Staffel 1
1-8. versetzung zur eberswalde 06:09
9-21. erste mission 11:55
22-31. warp-feld kollaps 08:27
32-39. unterwegs zur sternenbasis 08:02
40-45. landurlaub 06:38
46-51. befoerderung 05:29
52-65. neue mission 09:30
66-93. auf ba-ham 23:31
94-99. klingonen 04:25
100-109. nachrichten von t'val 08:09
110-127. korrektur der zeitlinie 11:37
128-134. versetzung zur eberswalde 05:00
135-144. ionensturm 11:12
Staffel 3
1-24. (159-182) angriff 37:02
Staffel 5
1-21. (190-210) gene roddenberry biographie 45:09
Staffel 7
1-15. (235-249) veridian 4 17:43
16. (250) begegnung mit den borg 01:30
17-39. (251-273) veridian 4 24:59
40-43. (274-277) robert thomas als kind besucht die enterprise 04:44
44-49. (278-283) veridian 4 06:28
50-59. (284-293) begegnung mit den borg 11:48
60-63. (294-297) veridian 4 04:26
64-102. (298-336) begegnung mit den borg 46:14
103-105. (337-339) veridian 4 03:37
106-113. (340-347) rajulkai 08:25
114-115. (348-349) veridian 4 01:34
116-119. (350-353) spiegeluniversum 03:45
120-122. (354-356) veridian 4 02:46
123-129. (357-363) spiegeluniversum - veridian 4 07:03
130-151. (364-385) handlungsreisender 15:35
152-164. (386-398) kunstausstellung 11:03
165-168. (399-402) handlungsreisender 03:06
169-183. (403-417) spiegeluniversum 16:55
184-187. (418-421) erster kontakt 05:45
188-194. (422-428) staatsbesuch 06:15
195-196. (429-430) spiegeluniversum 03:27
197-198. (431-432) staatsbesuch 03:11
199-222. (433-456) geschichte der föderation 22:23
223-239. (457-473) runatai 15:45
240-266. (474-500) spiegeluniversum 25:03
267. (501) finale 17:01
Rescue Mission
The Romulan War
Sciguyjeff Trailers & Specials
Staffel 1
1-8. versetzung zur eberswalde 06:09
9-21. erste mission 11:55
22-31. warp-feld kollaps 08:27
32-39. unterwegs zur sternenbasis 08:02
40-45. landurlaub 06:38
46-51. befoerderung 05:29
52-65. neue mission 09:30
66-93. auf ba-ham 23:31
94-99. klingonen 04:25
100-109. nachrichten von t'val 08:09
110-127. korrektur der zeitlinie 11:37
128-134. versetzung zur eberswalde 05:00
135-144. ionensturm 11:12
Staffel 3
1-24. (159-182) angriff 37:02
Staffel 5
1-21. (190-210) gene roddenberry biographie 45:09
Staffel 7
1-15. (235-249) veridian 4 17:43
16. (250) begegnung mit den borg 01:30
17-39. (251-273) veridian 4 24:59
40-43. (274-277) robert thomas als kind besucht die enterprise 04:44
44-49. (278-283) veridian 4 06:28
50-59. (284-293) begegnung mit den borg 11:48
60-63. (294-297) veridian 4 04:26
64-102. (298-336) begegnung mit den borg 46:14
103-105. (337-339) veridian 4 03:37
106-113. (340-347) rajulkai 08:25
114-115. (348-349) veridian 4 01:34
116-119. (350-353) spiegeluniversum 03:45
120-122. (354-356) veridian 4 02:46
123-129. (357-363) spiegeluniversum - veridian 4 07:03
130-151. (364-385) handlungsreisender 15:35
152-164. (386-398) kunstausstellung 11:03
165-168. (399-402) handlungsreisender 03:06
169-183. (403-417) spiegeluniversum 16:55
184-187. (418-421) erster kontakt 05:45
188-194. (422-428) staatsbesuch 06:15
195-196. (429-430) spiegeluniversum 03:27
197-198. (431-432) staatsbesuch 03:11
199-222. (433-456) geschichte der föderation 22:23
223-239. (457-473) runatai 15:45
240-266. (474-500) spiegeluniversum 25:03
267. (501) finale 17:01
Rescue Mission
For more information on this audiobook series, see the new Star Trek Reviewed website at...
The Romulan War
For more information on this proposed fan film which is currently releasing 'enhanced' audio dramas, see the new Star Trek Reviewed website at...
Fan-written audiobooks, narrated by the author on Youtube
1: Star Trek: The Paths of Glory,
FAQ (1:13:01)
Part 1 (1:15:45)
Part 2 (1:07:01)
Part 3 (1:29:04)
Part 4 (2:01:24)
Part 5 (2:18:2)7
Part 6 (13:18)
2: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Shadows of the Past
Chapter 1.1 (22:17)
Chapter 1.2 (23:34)
Chapter 1.3 (20:55)
Chapter 1.4 (18:49)
Chapter 2.1 (24:02)
Chapter 2.2 (20:38)
Chapter 2.3 (32:27)
Chapter 2.4 (29:00)
Chapter 3.1 (14:09)
Chapter 3.2 (18:57)
FAQ (1:13:01)
Part 1 (1:15:45)
Part 2 (1:07:01)
Part 3 (1:29:04)
Part 4 (2:01:24)
Part 5 (2:18:2)7
Part 6 (13:18)
2: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Shadows of the Past
Chapter 1.1 (22:17)
Chapter 1.2 (23:34)
Chapter 1.3 (20:55)
Chapter 1.4 (18:49)
Chapter 2.1 (24:02)
Chapter 2.2 (20:38)
Chapter 2.3 (32:27)
Chapter 2.4 (29:00)
Chapter 3.1 (14:09)
Chapter 3.2 (18:57)
The Section 31 Files
See under Star Trek: The Section 31 Files.
Shoestring Radio Theatre (1994)
Star Trek spoof radio drama
Shoestring Radio Theatre was a San Francisco-based, non-profit radio drama company, delivering a wide range of genres from drama to comedy. Founded in 1988, the program has aired locally in the Bay Area on flagship station KUSF-90.3 FM (University of San Francisco) since 1991 and on the Public Radio Satellite Network since 1993. One of three short productions, Captain's Log, Accidental was part of a 30 minute "Sci-Fi Comedy Extravaganza", written, directed and produced by Randy Parker. It premiered locally on KUSF & BSB in May, 1994 and nationally on the Public Radio Satellite Network in October, 1994.
SCE.1. Captain's Log, Accidental
The crew of the starship Exitprise encounters one obstacle after another while attempting to deliver a vaccine to plague victims in this 12-minute "Star Trek" spoof.
The crew of the starship Exitprise encounters one obstacle after another while attempting to deliver a vaccine to plague victims in this 12-minute "Star Trek" spoof.
The Shining Starship
Omega Ordained
A Halloween audiobook-style mashup of what would happen if Beverly Crusher encountered Jack from the Shining, as Jack Crusher. A "bottle episode" from Omega Ordained. Originally published under the Audio Fan Fiction Library banner. (32:17)
A Simple Life
Audio Fan Fiction Library
Based on Star Trek: The Original Series
Chapter 1: Loyalty: (4:51)
Chapter 2: Lonelines [sic]: (4:36)
Chapter 3: Love: (5:24)________________________________
Space Vessel Bird
Only a pilot episode, "Escape" has been released as at Dec 24 2013
Species Diversity and You
Starfleet Renegades
A spin off of the fan film series, "Star Trek: Hidden Frontier", The first episode was video and then continued as an audio drama series. Most recent discussion as of Jun 3 2012 promises updates 'soon'. Soundcloud
1: Piracy of the Noble also available on Vimeo (25:15)
2: Court Martial Feb 22 2008
3: Eulogies Nov 2014
2: Court Martial Feb 22 2008
3: Eulogies Nov 2014
A fan fiction audiobook from Steve Shives, a spin-off from his vidcast, Trek, Actually.
Jean Luc Picard's friends come to terms with his death.
Star Rabbit Tracks (2008)
Imagine, if you would, a race of highly intelligent beings, traveling in outer space
...who are Rabbits.
Star Rabbit Tracks is the brainstorm of Capt. John Tadrzak of Misfits Audio and, although this production is aimed at a juvenile audience, it has a charm and nostalgia that can entertain even the most jaded adult.
Website, Facebook
Season 1
1.1: Missing Tale
Capt. Peter Rabbit was released from the vet's hospital this morning and, although he was told to stay off his paws for at least two to three days, he decided that his fans couldn't wait much longer for the pilot episode of his new show. (13:15) Mar 21 2008
1.2: Underwater Trouble
The crew of the USS Jackalope are called to a remote outpost, a planet covered with oceans, and venture beneath the surface to assist a scientist, but find they are trespassing in someone else's garden again! (18:46) Apr 07 2008
1.3: Political Rescue
In another hare-raising tail, Captain Peter Rabbit and the crew of the USS Jackalope, must go far beyond the call of duty in order to save a musical relationship and the garden technology of new allies. Excellent music, great singer. (29:27) May 05 2008
1.4: Hide and Seek
The Crew of the U.S.S. Jackalope, unexpectedly receives surprise guests from a far and distant planet. What will happen when both races confront each other. (37:04) Jul 07 2008
1.5: Why
Something bothers the good Captain about Alpha and Delta and he searches for answers on the USS. Digger but something else comes into the picture which raises the hairs of the crew of the USS. Jackalope. (27:34) Sep 01 2008
1.6: Hero By Any Other Name
Not wanting the U.S.S Digger to fall into the wrong hands, Captain Peter decides to go back to investigate further and enroute they receive a distress signal, could it be a rabbit trap? (27:28) Oct 06 2008
1.7: You Know How To Whistle Don't You?
An SOS call comes from outer space, a crash on a hostile planet; could there be lost loves in trouble? The Crew of the U.S.S. Jackalope rushes to their aid… will they get there in time? Could this be another trap? Will they lose another crew? (31:12) Feb 23 2009
1.8: Over The Rainbow
This episode brings together two classics of children's fiction! Their best episode ever! Great performances creatively produced! (50:25) Jun 08 2009
Season 2
Capt. Peter Rabbit was released from the vet's hospital this morning and, although he was told to stay off his paws for at least two to three days, he decided that his fans couldn't wait much longer for the pilot episode of his new show. (13:15) Mar 21 2008
1.2: Underwater Trouble
The crew of the USS Jackalope are called to a remote outpost, a planet covered with oceans, and venture beneath the surface to assist a scientist, but find they are trespassing in someone else's garden again! (18:46) Apr 07 2008
1.3: Political Rescue
In another hare-raising tail, Captain Peter Rabbit and the crew of the USS Jackalope, must go far beyond the call of duty in order to save a musical relationship and the garden technology of new allies. Excellent music, great singer. (29:27) May 05 2008
1.4: Hide and Seek
The Crew of the U.S.S. Jackalope, unexpectedly receives surprise guests from a far and distant planet. What will happen when both races confront each other. (37:04) Jul 07 2008
1.5: Why
Something bothers the good Captain about Alpha and Delta and he searches for answers on the USS. Digger but something else comes into the picture which raises the hairs of the crew of the USS. Jackalope. (27:34) Sep 01 2008
1.6: Hero By Any Other Name
Not wanting the U.S.S Digger to fall into the wrong hands, Captain Peter decides to go back to investigate further and enroute they receive a distress signal, could it be a rabbit trap? (27:28) Oct 06 2008
1.7: You Know How To Whistle Don't You?
An SOS call comes from outer space, a crash on a hostile planet; could there be lost loves in trouble? The Crew of the U.S.S. Jackalope rushes to their aid… will they get there in time? Could this be another trap? Will they lose another crew? (31:12) Feb 23 2009
1.8: Over The Rainbow
This episode brings together two classics of children's fiction! Their best episode ever! Great performances creatively produced! (50:25) Jun 08 2009
2.01: Jackalope and Hutch
The Jackalope is faced with a new enemy from very deep in space, something that even makes the Captain’s fur, stand on end. (17:46) Oct 04 2010
2.02: In All the Shuttlecrafts, In All the Parsecs
The Captain finds he must make a decision that may not follow the Rules of Hare Command. (24:46) Oct 18 2010
2.03: Where Nothing Has Gone Before
We would like to confirm that no harm came to any Humans, Rabbits, Robots, Ships or Wormholes, while producing this audio. (23:58) Jan 17 2011
2.04: Foxes of the Carrybean
Lt. Tonya Ears takes a quite, well deserved vacation, but things change in a hop. (18:58) Jan 24 2011
2.05: Who are You?
Things aren’t always as they appear- as the Crew of the Jackalope are about to find out! (28:43) Apr 27 2011
2.06: Return of Deadeye
A spot of R & R for the crew of the Jackalope leads to a bigger adventure for Lt Taddy McZacker when he encounters a face from the past, Deadeye Eastlife. While they search for buried treasure, Captain Peter Rabbit and Doctor Harvey ‘Hopper’ Smith enjoy a relaxing meal with old friends Dr Bunny Hopp and Mary Hoppitt. But something isn’t quite right. (24:02) Jun 20 2011
2.07: Behind The Scenes
It has become apparent that the News Media is running out of “good news”, so they’ve come aboard the USS Jackalope to try and find some. (23:13) Sep 12 2011
2.08: Statues, Racing and Doobie Bunnies
Peter Rabbit races against time and an old rival to find a precious artifact. (30:00) Feb 13 2012
2.09: A Little Bit Of Chacha 5
Do you remember when you were little and the old man down the street used to tell you stories about his youth. Spend some time in the company of former Hare Command officer Jed Warren as he tells the tale of his first tour of duty aboard the Jackalope… (21:44) Mar 12 2012
2.10: For Lettuce, Cabbage and the Hare Command Way
The Mimics’ plans move ahead, but will they succeed? Who can be trusted at Hare Command? (25:20) May 28 2012
2.11: Carole, there's Rabbits at Christmas
Christmas special 2013 written by N.J. Rainford. Captain Peter Rabbit tries his hand at adapting the famous Christmas story by What-the-Dickens, and presents the resulting play to the crew of the Jackalope. The classic story as you’ve never heard it before. (24:47) Dec 12 2013
The Jackalope is faced with a new enemy from very deep in space, something that even makes the Captain’s fur, stand on end. (17:46) Oct 04 2010
2.02: In All the Shuttlecrafts, In All the Parsecs
The Captain finds he must make a decision that may not follow the Rules of Hare Command. (24:46) Oct 18 2010
2.03: Where Nothing Has Gone Before
We would like to confirm that no harm came to any Humans, Rabbits, Robots, Ships or Wormholes, while producing this audio. (23:58) Jan 17 2011
2.04: Foxes of the Carrybean
Lt. Tonya Ears takes a quite, well deserved vacation, but things change in a hop. (18:58) Jan 24 2011
2.05: Who are You?
Things aren’t always as they appear- as the Crew of the Jackalope are about to find out! (28:43) Apr 27 2011
2.06: Return of Deadeye
A spot of R & R for the crew of the Jackalope leads to a bigger adventure for Lt Taddy McZacker when he encounters a face from the past, Deadeye Eastlife. While they search for buried treasure, Captain Peter Rabbit and Doctor Harvey ‘Hopper’ Smith enjoy a relaxing meal with old friends Dr Bunny Hopp and Mary Hoppitt. But something isn’t quite right. (24:02) Jun 20 2011
2.07: Behind The Scenes
It has become apparent that the News Media is running out of “good news”, so they’ve come aboard the USS Jackalope to try and find some. (23:13) Sep 12 2011
2.08: Statues, Racing and Doobie Bunnies
Peter Rabbit races against time and an old rival to find a precious artifact. (30:00) Feb 13 2012
2.09: A Little Bit Of Chacha 5
Do you remember when you were little and the old man down the street used to tell you stories about his youth. Spend some time in the company of former Hare Command officer Jed Warren as he tells the tale of his first tour of duty aboard the Jackalope… (21:44) Mar 12 2012
2.10: For Lettuce, Cabbage and the Hare Command Way
The Mimics’ plans move ahead, but will they succeed? Who can be trusted at Hare Command? (25:20) May 28 2012
2.11: Carole, there's Rabbits at Christmas
Christmas special 2013 written by N.J. Rainford. Captain Peter Rabbit tries his hand at adapting the famous Christmas story by What-the-Dickens, and presents the resulting play to the crew of the Jackalope. The classic story as you’ve never heard it before. (24:47) Dec 12 2013
Season 3
3.01: For the Love of Hop
Rogue Captain Peter Rabbit eludes Hare Command as he races against time to rescue Dr. Bunny Hopp and expose the MIMIC conspiracy. Part 1 of 3! (20:27) May 05 2014
3.02: Looking For Something
The Jackalope’s crew desperately tries to clear their former captain’s reputation, while Peter Rabbit travels to remote and dangerous corners of the galaxy searching for a mysterious “Doctor” who can help him find those responsible for the incursion at Hare Command. (24:31) May 12 2014
3.03: Goodbye, Farewell
Ex-Captain Peter Rabbit teams up with the mysterious “Doctor” in an attempt to thwart an Alien takeover of Hare Command. Will he arrive in time to prevent the fall of Overbite and the Federation? (37:45) May 19 2014
3.04: The Twelve Gifts Of Haymas
Christmas special 2014. Captain Peter Rabbit receives strange gifts from a secret “admirer”, with clues that send him and the crew of the Jackalope on a scavenger hunt across the galaxy. (35:03) 2014
3.05: Paws Across The Galaxy
Christmas special 2015. Captain Rabbit and his stalwart crew once again thwart a Mimic invasion plan, just in time for Haymas! (21:57) 2015
3.06: Hareflu At You
Christmas special 2016. When Captain Peter Rabbit is taken ill on their way back home to Overbite for Haymas, strange people start appearing! (16:51) 2016
Misfits Audio have cut back their regular releases of Star Rabbit Tracks to an annual Christmas episode for the past three years. Their full body of work for this production can be found in their archives, in reverse order (latest releases first), here: Captain Peter Rabbit eludes Hare Command as he races against time to rescue Dr. Bunny Hopp and expose the MIMIC conspiracy. Part 1 of 3! (20:27) May 05 2014
3.02: Looking For Something
The Jackalope’s crew desperately tries to clear their former captain’s reputation, while Peter Rabbit travels to remote and dangerous corners of the galaxy searching for a mysterious “Doctor” who can help him find those responsible for the incursion at Hare Command. (24:31) May 12 2014
3.03: Goodbye, Farewell
Ex-Captain Peter Rabbit teams up with the mysterious “Doctor” in an attempt to thwart an Alien takeover of Hare Command. Will he arrive in time to prevent the fall of Overbite and the Federation? (37:45) May 19 2014
3.04: The Twelve Gifts Of Haymas
Christmas special 2014. Captain Peter Rabbit receives strange gifts from a secret “admirer”, with clues that send him and the crew of the Jackalope on a scavenger hunt across the galaxy. (35:03) 2014
3.05: Paws Across The Galaxy
Christmas special 2015. Captain Rabbit and his stalwart crew once again thwart a Mimic invasion plan, just in time for Haymas! (21:57) 2015
3.06: Hareflu At You
Christmas special 2016. When Captain Peter Rabbit is taken ill on their way back home to Overbite for Haymas, strange people start appearing! (16:51) 2016
Updated as at Nov 05 2017
Starship Excelsior (2007-2019)
Embark on a journey of imagination and the human spirit with the crew of the Starship Excelsior as it flits between the stars of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek universe. Exploring new life and new civilizations, she and her crew help chart the paths of the human experience and along the way, they are party to triumph and tragedy, choice and consequence, friends and jokes and snowball fights.
Previously 'Star Trek: Excelsior', this long-running audio drama series is arc-based across four seasons, character-driven, and very involved. Like most older fan productions, they have developed and improved immensely since their beginnings and in an interview on The Limey Frog in November, 2015 (part 1 and part 2), the creator, James Heaney, in giving a fascinating overview of the series, recommends that new listeners skip Seasons 1 and 2.
Episodes are available on itunes: (list shows most recent first)
Website, Facebook, RSS, iTunes

100: There You Are
Refit crews apply upgrades and run diagnostics as the USS Excelsior's crew arrives for its first mission to Valendria, which is a cover for a secret operation. Sep 28 2007 (1:11:24)
101: The Valandrian Expedition
A third-contact mission to open diplomatic relations puts the Excelsior and her untested crew at the center of Valendria's civil war. Cortez learns of a mysterious Oracle which has predicted that their arrival would endanger Valandria. Dec 5 2007 (34:00)
102: Turns of Events
The Prime Directive enters play as the crew of the damaged Excelsior struggles to rescue the heavily-wounded Captain Cortez and her party. With Cortez in an artificial coma, Dovan assumes emergency command. Jan 25 2008 (45:00)
S1EA: Debugging Entry
April Fool's Day riff on the All Your Base-meme. Apr 1 2008 (3:00)
103: Wildfire
As a telepathically-induced infection known as The Wasting sweeps the ship, civil war continues on the planet below. Dovan invokes a medical quarantine in an attempt to get the crew home alive. Apr 5 2008 (45:00)
104: Down the Rabbit Hole
The longest day in the Excelsior's eventful history is finally coming to an end. Jul 12 2008, (1:38:17)

201: The First Two Deaths
As the Excelsior heads towards home, what remains of the crew is soon drawn into events that are far beyond the ken of Acting Captain Dovan. Oct 5 2008 (42:20)
202: The Investigation
Following the explosion on board the Sizemore, Lorhrok reveals to Acting Captain Dovan that Leo Amara's death was no accident. Jan 4 2009 (50:25)
203: Her Hardest Hue To Hold
Rol and Lorhrok reassemble the data chip while Yubari plans her escape from the Renegade. Captain Cortez wakes up, and Dovan is appointed captain. Mar 29 2009 (50:36)
204: The Manchurian Officer
General Isaac Brahms is imprisoned on the Excelsior's brig and under interrogation. Jul 1 2009 (38:38)
S2EA: The Line
An operatic, April Fool's Day special featuring eight original songs. Jan 1 2009 (51:49) In addition, there is a Complete Soundtrack, "The Producers Sing!" and a note regarding the canon and lyrics
205: Golden Things
General Brahms makes a break for freedom, aided by someone on the Excelsior. Oct 24 2009 (34:32)
S2EB: No One Gets Out Alive
A Boxing Day standalone episode—not in series continuity—in which the crew confronts pain, and discover things about themselves that they would rather not have known. Dec 26 2009 (1:04:29). A planned animation project based on "No One Gets Out Alive" was started but never got past a promo video which is still available on Youtube, here.
SciFinal Creator's Corner; Star Trek: Excelsior - James Heaney
Interview. Jul 9 2010
201: The First Two Deaths
As the Excelsior heads towards home, what remains of the crew is soon drawn into events that are far beyond the ken of Acting Captain Dovan. Oct 5 2008 (42:20)
202: The Investigation
Following the explosion on board the Sizemore, Lorhrok reveals to Acting Captain Dovan that Leo Amara's death was no accident. Jan 4 2009 (50:25)
203: Her Hardest Hue To Hold
Rol and Lorhrok reassemble the data chip while Yubari plans her escape from the Renegade. Captain Cortez wakes up, and Dovan is appointed captain. Mar 29 2009 (50:36)
204: The Manchurian Officer
General Isaac Brahms is imprisoned on the Excelsior's brig and under interrogation. Jul 1 2009 (38:38)
S2EA: The Line
An operatic, April Fool's Day special featuring eight original songs. Jan 1 2009 (51:49) In addition, there is a Complete Soundtrack, "The Producers Sing!" and a note regarding the canon and lyrics
205: Golden Things
General Brahms makes a break for freedom, aided by someone on the Excelsior. Oct 24 2009 (34:32)
S2EB: No One Gets Out Alive
A Boxing Day standalone episode—not in series continuity—in which the crew confronts pain, and discover things about themselves that they would rather not have known. Dec 26 2009 (1:04:29). A planned animation project based on "No One Gets Out Alive" was started but never got past a promo video which is still available on Youtube, here.
SciFinal Creator's Corner; Star Trek: Excelsior - James Heaney
Interview. Jul 9 2010

Ever wonder what happened to those nasty parasites from TNG's 1st season episode, "Conspiracy?" Here's your answer!
301: Every Good Captain Has Admiral Issues
As Captain Dovan and Admiral Parker work through a disagreement, the disgraced former captain of the Excelsior, Joshua Underwood, returns to the ship as a diplomat. Mar 19 2010 (1:16:09)
302: The Pursuit
As the Excelsior pursues the SS Anbar, Underwood chases Dovan, while someone is chasing the Excelsior. May 9 2010 (1:12:17)
S3EA: The Barrier, Part XII:Sunset
This April' Fool's Day special provides background information through the "final" episode of a series called Star Trek: Anbar. Aug 7 2010 (1:40:03)
S3EB: The Sword of Damocles, Part II-and-a-half: Safeties Off
On the way to Anbar the Excelsior's crew relaxes on the holodeck - a vignette recorded live, with all voice actors in the same place at the same time. Sep 8 2010 (5:22)
303: The Wreck in the Hesperus
The crew of the SS Anbar struggles to survive after passing through the Galactic Barrier to the Milky Way. Meanwhile, a parasite pursues Excelsior's crew. Oct 20 2010 (35:28)
304: The Infestation
Dr Sharp wrestles the parasite for control of her body, which is to be used for an assassination attempt. Dec 26 2010 (52:58)
305: Trust, But Verify
Dovan fights for his life while the Excelsior battles an ion storm to rescue an away party on the Anbar in an alliance with Brahms and Rol. Feb 6 2011 (53:48)
3D Swordplay: A Recap (A Sword of Damocles Preview Event)
A special, 'Swordplay: A Recap' was released to allow people who do not wish to listen from the beginning of the series to catch up and to clarify important plot points in Season Three. Apr 1, 2011 (54:29)
306 The Man from Syracuse
General Brahms is sorry because he is going to give an explanation which he had hoped to spare his listeners. Jun 1 2011 (1:26:33)
307 Ozymandias
The Excelsior must destroy two Bluegill battle cruisers before they return to base, or unleash the horror of the Borg-Bluegill war on an unsuspecting galaxy. Dec 26 2011 (1:17:00)
3E Five-Minute The Excelsior Returns
An April Fool's Day special which recaps the first season. Apr 1 2012 (24:28)
308 What Happened on Gevinon Prime
As the Excelsior crew hides in a gas cloud surrounded by the enemy and prepares their most audacious plan, the Away Team struggles to stay alive on Gevinon Prime. Jul 8, 2012 (1:04:02)
Excelsior Biographies: Doctor Sharp
A quadrennial review reveals Dr. Sharp's background. Dec 26 2012 (09:55)
309 Graceful End
On January 25, 2343 at 0400 hours, Zero Hour arrives. Jul 12 2013 (2:28:22). FAN VIDEO: The Graceful End (1:45)
401 Picking up the Pieces
The Excelsior detects subspace nodules which appear to attack the ship. Don't listen to this episode until you've heard Season 3. (77:21) Jan 17, 2014
4A One More Piece: Home and Dry
A vignette that sets the stage for the season. (4:11) Sep 15 2014
402 Guards, GET THEM!
Orbiting Mantua, the Excelsior 's crew is curious about a suspiciously powerful energy field that is being emitted from the medieval planet, ravaged by a plague. This episode is a great entry point for new listeners. (87:00) Nov 29 2014
403 At Death's Door
Attempting to escape a null-particle shockwave, the Excelsior's crew is faced with the ultimate foe. (80:00) Dec 26 2014

404 Only Murder
... (77:00) mmm dd yyyy
405 A Day In The Park
... (81:00) mmm dd yyyy
406 Meeting Minutes
... (mm:ss) May 1 2016
407 Fear Itself
... (mm:ss) Jun 23 2016
408 The Mapstone
... (mm:ss) Aug 27 2016
401 Picking up the Pieces
The Excelsior detects subspace nodules which appear to attack the ship. Don't listen to this episode until you've heard Season 3. (77:21) Jan 17, 2014
4A One More Piece: Home and Dry
A vignette that sets the stage for the season. (4:11) Sep 15 2014
402 Guards, GET THEM!
Orbiting Mantua, the Excelsior 's crew is curious about a suspiciously powerful energy field that is being emitted from the medieval planet, ravaged by a plague. This episode is a great entry point for new listeners. (87:00) Nov 29 2014
403 At Death's Door
Attempting to escape a null-particle shockwave, the Excelsior's crew is faced with the ultimate foe. (80:00) Dec 26 2014

404 Only Murder
... (77:00) mmm dd yyyy
405 A Day In The Park
... (81:00) mmm dd yyyy
406 Meeting Minutes
... (mm:ss) May 1 2016
407 Fear Itself
... (mm:ss) Jun 23 2016
408 The Mapstone
... (mm:ss) Aug 27 2016
... (mm:ss) September 8, 2016
A Review: And Miles To Go Before I Sleep
... (mm:ss) Aug 31 2017
502 Relief Operation DIV-1096 (listed in itunes)
... (mm:ss) Dec 26 2017
503 I.O.U.
The Accidental Captain: Larry Phelan
Co-Producer Mike Hennesy interviews Larry Phelan, who voices Alcar Dovan. Mar 22, 2011 (14:23)
The Man Behind the Curtain: James Heaney
Co-Producer Mike Hennesy interviews executive producer James Heaney, followed by a full trailer of The Man from Syracuse. Apr 30, 2011 (22:09)
Unkillable: Eleiece Krawiec
Co-Producer Mike Hennesy interviews Eleiece Krawiec, who voices both half-Vulcan Capt. Rachel Cortez and the human Skipper Sam Cox. Oct 9, 2011 (13:00)
Wheels Within Wheels: Michael Liebmann
Co-Producer Mike Hennesy interviews Michael Liebmann, who voices Alex Rol. Jun 9, 2012 (15:00)
It's Not Easy Being Green
... Mar 17, 2014 (12:00). Reviewed on
Excelsior Biographies: Neeva
The Excelsior's Chief of Operations reveals in a court case how she managed to move beyond her past as the daughter of a pirate. Mar 17, 2014 (12:00)
The Greatest Day of Every Year
... Apr 28 2015 (7:35)
Kickstarter Update: Garry's Challenge
... Dec 6, 2015 (2:00)
Star Trek 50th Anniversary Special
Starting Nov 19 2015, they have commenced a Kickstarter campaign for a special 50th Anniversary Episode to include Nichelle Nichols and Walter Koenig.
Starship Ranger (2013-2016)
Takes place in 2328 (late Golden Age) during “the lost years” of Star Trek (between the time of The Original Series and The Next Generation) aboard an Ambassador-class starship, the first command of Captain Michael A. Decker.
Formerly Star Trek Ranger, this full cast audio series was created and produced by Glass City Communications - Jacob Stanford and his father Jerry - inspired by Jerry's series Star Trek: Valkyrie.
Website, Facebook, Star Trek Channel or Youtube.
Videos: Series Trailer (0:52), Title sequence (1:13)
100: Prologue
... (15:03) mmm dd yyyy
101: Malfunction
Trailer (1:15), teaser (1:51), episode (22:05) mmm dd yyyy
Vignette 1: The Councelor
... (5:43) mmm dd yyyy
102: Vital Information
... (21:45) Oct 12 2014
103: The Captive
... (25:17) Dec 31 2014
Special #1: combines episodes 102 & 103
... (44:07) mmm dd yyyy
104: Reflection
... (30:53) Feb 23 2015
105: Prototype Part 1
On Facebook May 21 2016 and on YouTube May 23 2016, (17:59)
Starship Saladin A Christian Captain copes as a minority faith in the Star Trek Universe.
Starship Saladin, Golden Age, has now also released film, so the entire series can be found here:
This audio episode was released on May 23, 2013, but follows the not-yet-released animated episode: (9:10)
Planning a 3D Animation, has already produced prose stories by adult fan out of Austin, Texas USA. Plans to go to production of live shows after completing animation. He has a thread in the Phase II Forums which discusses activity, usually comics and prose, regularly. See
Here is a short clip: or download:
Here is the title sequence: (1:49)
Here is a later title sequence: (March 16, 2012): (1:50)
Here is a short part (not in final form) released in honor of Star Trek's 46th anniversary. (2:40)
He has expressed the hope that their first animated episode will be released in 2013. His link at the Star Trek New Voyages forum was actively being updated January, 2013.
This is their facebook page:
Star Trek: The Adventures of Dean France, an audio drama, Episode 1, "Marooned,"
Star Trek: Argo Proposed Audio Drama casting as of February 5, 2015.
Star Trek: The Angriness of Rojoy
Article. Comedy/Parody, but not actually available.
Star Trek: Brothers in Arms
from Warrior717 Productions., another audiobook series based on a prose fan fiction story ( It was supposed to be a simple mission, really. There was nothing on their radar that had given them the notion to expect otherwise. For James T. Kirk, however, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. A 15 episode audiobook, that takes place after Star Trek: Into Darkness, with a Blooper reel and three part epilogue in memory of Anton Yelchin.
Episode 1: (25:02)
Episode 2: (19:24)
Episode 3: (27:15)
Episode 4: (32:01)
Episode 5: (21:19)
Episode 6: (15:16)
Episode 7: (19:18)
Episode 8: (14:23)
Episode 9: (17:38)
Episode 10: (17:14)
Episode 11: (34:23)
Episode 12: (24:07)
Episode 13: (23:01)
Episode 14: (21:01)
Episode 15: (25:06)
Blooper Reel: (20:11)
Episode 2: (19:24)
Episode 3: (27:15)
Episode 4: (32:01)
Episode 5: (21:19)
Episode 6: (15:16)
Episode 7: (19:18)
Episode 8: (14:23)
Episode 9: (17:38)
Episode 10: (17:14)
Episode 11: (34:23)
Episode 12: (24:07)
Episode 13: (23:01)
Episode 14: (21:01)
Episode 15: (25:06)
Blooper Reel: (20:11)
A Final Word: An epilogue in memory of Anton Yelchin. He didn't die a hero's death, but he sure lived a hero's life.
A Final Word Episode 1: (10:16)
A Final Word Episode 1: (10:16)
A Final Word Episode 2: (11:50)
A Final Word Episode 3: (11:26)
A Final Word Episode 3: (11:26)
Star Trek: The Continuing Mission
Has links to 8 episodes as of May 19, 2014.
Season 1
Episode 1, released December 25, 2010, "Ghost Ship" (26:35)
Episode 2, released July 27, 2011, "Integration" (38:37)
Episode 3, released October 31, 2011, "Learning Curve" (41:34)
Episode 4, released February 14, 2012, "The Darkest of Thoughts"(38:25)
Episode 5, released June 20, 2012, "Command Decision" (46:51)
Episode 6, released January 31, 2013, "We Will Control All That You See and Hear" (59:56)
Season 2
Episode 7, released August 27, 2013, "Earth" (55:52)
Episode 8 released May, 2014. "The Cathedral in the Void"(55:22)
Episode 9 Not yet released, "Stealth and Sacrifice"
They completed a six episode season. They released a trailer and prelude for a second season On March 30, 2011. However, by December 24, 2013 The Website was down and there was no clear place to go to get these episode for somebody who wanted to listen to them. It was back up by May of 2014, and you can get the episodes safely there.
Facebook home:
New Facebook Home as of July, 2014:
Reviews & Press:
Fan Film Friday: Star Trek: The Continuing Mission Interview with Treks in Sci Fi Podcast, September 2007
Episodes 1-6: Trekland
Reviews of Episode 8: , , , , , ,
Episode released Jan/Feb 2010:
Fan Film Friday: Star Trek: The Continuing Mission: We Will Control All That You See and Hear (Advance Review)
Episode released August/Sept. 2011:
Fan Film Friday: Star Trek: The Continuing Mission: ‘Earth’
General discussion: Star Trek the Continuing Mission
Star Trek: Crossroad
From Warrior717 Productions., an audiobook based on a prose fan fiction story ( imagined with the characters from Star Trek (2009). Inspired by a pivotal moment in Kirk's life that deserved to be explored. Listen to the audiobook on Youtube here (2:13) 25 Sep 2018.
____________________________________________Star Trek: Defiant
In addition to being discontinued, as of June 4, 2012, this Fan Audio Drama was taken down. There were 67 episodes as of 5/09/2012, just before the effort was abandon and removed from the internet.
On November 4, 2016, a person not associated with Star Trek Defiant transformed the original files, which were in MP4 format into MP3 format, and created a series of downloads for them. You can find all of the episodes in the following locations:
On June 1, 2014, a person posted the episodes in the original MP4 format, and gave me a link, but not permission to post it that link here. Leave a comment below (comments do not post automatically, I review them and only post ones that do not contain e-mail addresses or inappropriate links.). Include your e-mail address and your agreement to not publish the link to Star Trek: Defiant or to pass it along to anyone who will not make that promise. We'll send you the link to Star Trek Defiant in the original MP4 format privately. You can also get the link if you send an e-mail to with that same promise.
I was also told that the first three seasons can be found as a torrent on Demonoid together with a lot of professional audio materials, but I haven't checked.
I have just found a torrent for the first 13 episodes of star trek defiant:
direct torrent download:
See in comments, below, for more discussion.
Star Trek: Dimensions
There is an introduction and three episodes, the last release was in August, 2009. This has been relabeled Season 0 in anticipation of re-opening this series (4/19/2013). No further progress as of Dec. 24, 2013.
Star Trek: Diplomatic Relations
Website page:
New Web Hosting Page as of October, 2018:
Facebook Page:
Download here: or
An audio production with video trailers from Hidden Frontier. Listen live here:
1.01 Rapprochement, Part 1 (48:36) Part 2 (46:36)
1.02 Agreement (41:55)
1.03 Accession (39:22)
1.04 Detente, (35:17)
Star Trek: Discovery.,br /> Facebook page: Renamed: Star Trek: Evergreen. For information, see Star Trek: Evergreen.
Star Trek: Equinox
See under Equinox
Star Trek: Eras
This series spans the entire period of Star Trek with a multi-generational story.
6 episodes as of 12/30/2011.
Episode 7, "Starboard Bow," . Released 12/20/2015.
Star Trek: Eternal Night
starts with audio, and prose first year, becomes a live action fan film by adult fans second and third year). They have released their entire first season, including a video finale. To see all listings for Star Trek Eternal Night, see (U)
Star Trek: Excelsior
For the Golden Age audio book of Captain Sulu's adventures, See xxxx
For the Silver Age audio drama series, See under Starship Excelsior
Star Trek: Evergreen.; Facebook page: Renamed: was Star Trek: Discovery.
Star Trek: Federation One
"One of the most popular characters from the fan film, Star Trek: Hidden Frontier, makes the transition from Video to Audio as this series follows the Federation President Videnpawl and her aides.
The first season of two episodes is in video and was continued as an audio drama. Four episodes in the second season have been released as of 10/23/2010. (No change as of May 8, 2015) iTunes
StarTrek: Federation Rebirth. See Star TrekRequirius's page:
Star Trek: Foundation
Silver Age. Discussed:
Star Trek: Galilea
Set in 2380, after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis but before the supernova that destroyed Romulus. It follows Commander Brunhilde Engelstadt, coming back to active duty after a leave of absence after the Dominion War, and her first mission as First Officer of the U.S.S. Galilea, a planetary research vessel.
Silver Age. Five episodes as of March 16, 2014. Website
EpisodeOne - Beginnings
EpisodeTwo - Ship Shape
EpisodeThree - Through The Woods
EpisodeFour - Crystal Clear
EpisodeFive - From the Other Side
EpisodeTwo - Ship Shape
EpisodeThree - Through The Woods
EpisodeFour - Crystal Clear
EpisodeFive - From the Other Side
Star Trek: Grissom
Set in 2285.
An Irish audio series. itunes, Facebook 10 chapters and 3 audio episodes as of 12/24/2013, but with a promise of a 4th audio episode in the works. Audio download:
3rd episode also available here:
Announced 4th episode will be released June 21 at 6-10 pm. UTC+1
CGI Opening: (2:26).
CGITrailer: (2:13)
4th Episode can be downloaded here: . It will run (1:06:25)
On June 18, 2017, they announced that, for the time being, the adventues would continue in prose.
Star Trek: Henglaar MD
See Henglaar, MD
Star Trek: Here's Looking at Q
Computer generated Star Trek: The Next Generation Script is a cross between a parody, a comedy, and just weird. A one-shot from Botnick Studio's Mirror Stage Audio Theatre,
A Science crew finds evidence that the Enterprise B found it's way to the Gamma Quadrant.
English production, Silver Age. On Sept, 19, 2014 Karl Dutton mentioned on their Facebook page [dead link 2020] that they had been approached by a 3D animator who wanted to turn their show into an animated film. PodOmatic.
Episode 1: The Discovery (Feb. 27,. 2014)
Episode 2: From the Shadows (21:18) (March 10, 2014)
Episode 3: Below Decks (25:21) (March 21, 2014)
Episode 4: Point of No Return (April 19, 2014)
Episode 5 (released June 4, 2014) Stranded, (21:44)
Episode 6: (released July 2, 2014) The Final Frontier (35:08)
Star Trek: Legacy
from Warrior717 Productions., an audiobook based on a prose fan fiction story ( imagined with the characters from Star Trek (2009). Some people are born to be heroes. Listen to the audiobook on Youtube here (6:51) 16 Oct 2016.
Star Trek Lore (2019)
From TangoHotel42 comes a new series of dramatised plot summaries of Star Trek books, starting with the "A Time To..." series, the nine-novel series set during the year leading up to Star Trek Nemesis.
Star Trek: Lost Frontier or
It is the dawn of the 25th century and the galaxy is coming out of a period of great war. The story of Lost Frontier focuses on the crew of the new Enterprise F as they go forth to unite the lost worlds of the Federation.
Review of Episode 14 at Leviathan Dances. Seventeen episodes as of 8/7/2012.
New Release: Episode 18, (August14, 2015)
New Release: Episode 19, Cat's Claw, (Released June 1, 2017)
Episode 20, Philanthropy, their first release in three years! The Enterprise-F travels to Feringinar at the behest of Grand Nagus Rom, to meet with a new special committee. It is shaded in secrecy. As the Enterprise arrives in the system, they detect numerous trade starships of various classes in the system. It seems that the Ferengi are doing extremely well since the Fall. What exactly is going on? (54:53) 31 Dec 2020.
Star Trek: Lost Universe
The USS Jamestown, an experimental, Nebula Class vessel finds itself trapped in an alternate reality. Where the Romulan Star Empire has conquered nearly the entire Alpha Quadrant. Without allies and without a place to call home, the Jamestown begins a one-ship-rebellion against the Romulan Star Empire in an attempt to restore what was once a shining light in the Alpha Quadrant.
Audio production from StarForce Media. Facebook, Soundcloud (Episodes are in reverse order, newest first), YouTube Playlist
Introduction : (1:53)
Episode 0, The Trial, (5:25) and Promo for Episode 1, (13:23)!star-trek-lost-universe-coming-soon/c8vr ;April 11, 2015 (6:11)
Episode 1, Lost Universe, (45:45); April 21, 2015 (46:34)
Episode 2, Flight or Fight, (26:30); April 21, 2015 (27:20)
Episode 3, Choices, July 4, 2015 (29:12); (30:01)
Star Trek: Mirror Wars
Darkness and Depression rules as the Federation is drawn into a war that may not only destroy one universe, but two. Traitors lurk in the dark, plans go horribly wrong, a dark secret withing the Federation starts to surface, and one crew member may not survive it all...
An audiobook series originally written in script format as a fan film that was unfinished and never released according to An introduction and the first two parts of the three part pilot episode were narrated and recorded by the author and are available on and iTunes. It appears to have been the basis for an attempted video project of the same name in the UK. Their episode download page says, 'production of Episode 1 is done' and 'coming in May' as of the end of August 2009. There have been no changes to this site since then, as of July 24, 2016. A second website transitioned the series into a text-based fan fiction series, to be followed by a third, expanded website on Tripod, where you can read the rest of season 1 and the half of season 2 that was written. BR tried to e-mail them in Dec 2013 with no response.
The creator of this series, Jessie Gender, is a transwoman who now has her own YouTube channel where she occassionally reads her old works live.
Star Trek New Beginning. Short 'episodes' Appears tobe about DS9. No change Dec. 24, 2013.
(01) The Refit (2:08)
(02) Defiant and Defiance (3:06)
(03) Home World Bound (2:45)
(04) Maco (3:18)
Star Trek: The NewFrontier (audio) 1 episode released prior to 2008. No more as of December 24,2013.
Star Trek: Odyssey (2010)
The penultimate episode of the Star Trek: Hidden Frontier fan film series!
The preceding episodes of this spinoff series from the cast and crew that gave us Star Trek: Hidden Frontier were done as fan films and are listed on Star Trek Reviewed Blog 102. The storyline was concluded with the fan film Tossed Upon The Shore.
Star Trek: Outlaws (2015-2017)
For more information on this illustrated audio drama, released on YouTube, see the listing on the new Star Trek Reviewed website at...
StarTrek: Outpost
See under Outpost
StarTrek: Pioneers
2: NewFrontiers, Part 2 9/11/04, 12.3 MB
3: NewFrontiers, Part 3 28/12/04, 18.8 MB
4.1: BoldVenture, Part 1 30/03/05, 19.3 MB
4.2: BoldVenture, Part 2 30/03/05, 14.8 MB
5:Fate & Sacrifice Unreleased
6: The Forgotten War, Part 1 16/08/05, 36 MB
7: The Forgotten War, Part 2 1/01/06, 33.7 MB
Star Trek:Ranger
See under Starship Ranger.
StarTrek: The Section 31 Files
002: Altered Reflection, Part 2 Oct 23 2004 (25:02)
003: Altered Reflection, Part 3 3 Nov 01 2004 (21:55)
004: Altered Reflection, Part 4 Nov 01 2004 (14:07)
005: Shades of Grey Dec 13 2004 (28:53)
006: The Sum of One's Memories Jan 12 2005 (32:15)
007: Crimson: The Key Feb 05 2005 (26:15)
008: The Awakening Mar 14 2005 (28:20)
009: Bold Venture, Part 1 Mar 30 2005 (21:04)
010: Bold Venture, Part 2 Mar 30 2005 (16:09)
011: Harbinger Apr 20 2005 (27:38)
012: In His Name May 13 2005 (19:32)
013: Distant Shores Jun 15 2005 (19:57)
014: Knowledge is Power Jun 27 2005 (25:04)
Star Trek: The Section 31 Files Audio Drama. 3full seasons and the first three episodes of a 4th season as of12/24/2013, (unchanged from August 2012) "Nero's Legacy,""Ghost Ship," and "Prime."
Star Trek: Shadows of Tyranny, from Melting Clock Productions
Website: or
Facebook page:
Mirror Universe,
First trailer released November 7, 2014:
First episode released April 5, 2015 Episode 1, Revolutionaries, listenor download here: (29:01)or here:
Released July 15, 2015: A Short recording, Episode1.5 "Casualties of Conquest" (3:31)or (3:31)or (3:31).
Released May 14, 2017, Trailer for Episode 2, "The Xindi," listen or download here:
StarTrek: Starfinder AudioDrama. . 1st episode released February 28, 2013. It is set in the StarTrek Online universe. 5th minisode posted Dec. 23,2013. Pages allow live listening or download for listening later.
Facebook Page: . The story also includes comic books and prose, so this is a mixed series, primarily audio. I recommend you work from their website when reading and listening to this series.
A Review:
Prequel Graphic Novel links:
A. Episode 1. "The Back of Beyond"
B. Trailer for Episode 2, "Balance"
C. Minisode Collection Volume 1:
D. Minisode 5, "Monkey Business"
E, Episode 2, "Balance" Listen here:
A Review:
F. Five-minute Preview of Episodes 3/4 (Sept. 28, 2014):
G. Minisode 6 of Season 1, "Dead Again" (Oct. 31,2014)
H. Microsode, 1 "Standards" (January 24, 2015)
Crossover with another audio series, "Gates of Sto'vo'kor"
Part 1 "Message from the Outback," listen or download here: (33:19). On Nov. 29, Star Trek: Starfinder released this same episode. Listen here: (33:18)or here: .
Part2, On December 5, 2014, Star Trek: Starfinder released "Gorn of ADifferent Color, Part 1," listen here: (59:04).This is Part 2 of the 4 part crossover with audio series, Gates of Sto'vo'kor.
Part 3, On December 19, 2014, Star Trek: Starfinder released "Gorn of ADifferent Color, Part 2," listen here: . This is Part 3 of the 4 part crossover with audio series, Gates of Sto'vo'kor.
Series discussed: (January 7, 2013)
Review: (January 13, 2015)
Part 2, Message from the Outback, (January 9, 2016) (32:08)
Star Trek: Tales from The Border (2016)
On a diplomatic mission to the failed Earth colony Turkana IV, still under Dominion occupation despite the peace treaty and Dominion withdrawal, Captain Mattingly, CO of the USS Rembrandt, and his crew find themselves thrust into a bloody power struggle for control of the planet in which the Rembrandt's support ensures victory for any faction. Before it's over their mission will test their wits, their consciences and their belief in Federation principles.
A new, short series from 4th Starveling Audio, with episode 2 in post production. Website, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.
1: One World's Monsters, Part 1
What should be a straightforward assignment quickly becomes more complicated and more perilous as the Rembrandt's presence proves to be a catalyst for chaos. Youtube (56:07) Jan 09 2016
2: One World's Monsters, Part 2
Star Trek: Twilight (2009)
The adventures of the USS Twilight and Captain Beckett.
Star Trek: Unity(US) (AudioProduction promising film, not to be confused with Blog 90, a different Star Trek:Unity group) (I am not doing reviews of these, but I listened to their first two and as of Dec 7, 2009, only episodes, and enjoyed them) On October 20, 2011, I received confirmation that, in spite of the lack of further audio releases or public comments they still planned to produce four audio episodes, albeit slowly. No more releases as of December 26, 2013. I messaged them asking if they were working on this on Dec. 26, 2013.
Star Trek: Valkyrie (2011)
There have been two audio drama production by this name, this one was released in 2011. The completed series was called an "audio drama" but the original shorts shown were 3D animation, on the original website (dead link as of June 2017) on the StarTrek Valkyrie Facebook page, and on this thread on the Phase II foums: (dead link since March 2010).
They elected to release this ENTIRE series at once. This thread: has the original links if my copy of them below does not work. MP4 is for iPods. Here is the entire posting because it's all valuable:
In the 24th century, the U.S.S Valkyrie is a timeless ship. Where time and space collide past and future connect, and a great power threatens to destroy it all. Nothing is as it seems and everyone has a secret.St
This page has all downloads of this series:
Things Change episode '100' (but the discussion calls it the pilot)
Part 2 of 2 (3:07)
Episode01 - THINGS CHANGE (Running time 6:20)
Episode02 - GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER (Running time 12:15)
Episode03 - CRUSADE (Running time 18:59)
Episode04 - THE DYING AND THE DEAD (Running time 17:03)
Episode05 - FIRST DAY OF A NEW ERA (Running time 14:57)
Episode06 - OPPOSITE EFFECT (Running time 11:45)
Episode07 - INJUSTICE (Running time 29:56)
Episode08 - I LOVE LUCY (Running time 17:26)
Episode09 - UPGRADE (Running time 14:24)
Episode10 - REVELATIONS (Running time 14:04)
Episode11 - THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS (Running time 16:09)
Episode12 - DAY STAR (Running time 20:35) PARTIALVIDEO: After 13:00
14 Episodes can be listened to from iTunes. (12/26/2013)
Star Trek: Valkyrie,working with through High Resolution released their 13th episode, "Things Change." on Friday, Feb. 17 2012 on YouTube. It was removed for copyright violations of music rightsin less than 24 hours. The entire webseries, including thisepisode and a 14th episode can be downloaded from Itunes here: (as of August 7, 2012)
Star Trek: Valkyrie (2012-16)
Based in Ohio but with voice actors from around the globe.

Video credits and trailer etc. (1:32) and (0:48). Also (1:55)
Star Trek: WoundedWarriors. (Silver Age, Adult Fans, set during the dominion war) This Florida group has released an audio episode and hopes to jump to video. Strong female characters. I enjoyed it and particularly recommend this to DS9 fans. Released Dec. 31, 2013, Episode 1: Disdain:
StarTrek: Xen 1stEpisode, Things Not Seen Part 1, released May 12, 2011. No further news as of December 27, 2013. Marked as "Retired" as of April 2015.
Tales from the DMZ(audio) Nine Episodes complete the series, as of 2/14/2015.
Episode 1: A Choice of Targets: (9:32)
Episode 2: Aftermath, Part 1:
Episode 3: Aftermath, Part 2:
Episode 4: Escalation:
Special Episode: Tale of Savei: (9:59)
Episode 5: Countermeasures (27:13)
Episode 6: Cold Thought (27:16)
Episode 7: Conflict of Interest (41:27)
Episode 8: (final, released Feb. 14, 2015) (37:46)
Tales of Death and Honour (2008)
The Klingon paradox: If family honour is more important than life itself, what would you do if you had to choose between family ... and honour?
Produced by Kirok of L'Stok, an exceedingly handsome and witty TrekBlogger out of New South Wales, Australia, this is the only part produced of what was to be a trilogy.
UFP - Codename Novus Facebook page:
Episode 1 (An Audio drama about the politics of the United Federation of Planets. Episode 1, Listen here: (19:00).
Follow this link to the entry about this production on the new Star Trek Reviewed Database
Voyages of the USS Sisyphus (2009-2016)
These are the Voyages of the Starship Sisyphus. Exploring the strange [new?] borders of improvised comedy and trekdom.
A Chicago-based comedic improv group which creates live Trek comedy shorts, video and audio set in the time and universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. WARNING: Some audio releases by Improvised Star Trek may not be family-friendly. Adult fans, Chicago, comedy, improv. See Star Trek Reviewed Blog 130 for their video output.
Series (yyyy-yyyy)
Promo blurb
Star Trek: Lost Universe
The USS Jamestown, an experimental, Nebula Class vessel finds itself trapped in an alternate reality. Where the Romulan Star Empire has conquered nearly the entire Alpha Quadrant. Without allies and without a place to call home, the Jamestown begins a one-ship-rebellion against the Romulan Star Empire in an attempt to restore what was once a shining light in the Alpha Quadrant.
Audio production from StarForce Media. Facebook, Soundcloud (Episodes are in reverse order, newest first), YouTube Playlist
Introduction : (1:53)
Episode 0, The Trial, (5:25) and Promo for Episode 1, (13:23)!star-trek-lost-universe-coming-soon/c8vr ;April 11, 2015 (6:11)
Episode 1, Lost Universe, (45:45); April 21, 2015 (46:34)
Episode 2, Flight or Fight, (26:30); April 21, 2015 (27:20)
Episode 3, Choices, July 4, 2015 (29:12); (30:01)
Star Trek: Mirror Wars
Darkness and Depression rules as the Federation is drawn into a war that may not only destroy one universe, but two. Traitors lurk in the dark, plans go horribly wrong, a dark secret withing the Federation starts to surface, and one crew member may not survive it all...
An audiobook series originally written in script format as a fan film that was unfinished and never released according to An introduction and the first two parts of the three part pilot episode were narrated and recorded by the author and are available on and iTunes. It appears to have been the basis for an attempted video project of the same name in the UK. Their episode download page says, 'production of Episode 1 is done' and 'coming in May' as of the end of August 2009. There have been no changes to this site since then, as of July 24, 2016. A second website transitioned the series into a text-based fan fiction series, to be followed by a third, expanded website on Tripod, where you can read the rest of season 1 and the half of season 2 that was written. BR tried to e-mail them in Dec 2013 with no response.
The creator of this series, Jessie Gender, is a transwoman who now has her own YouTube channel where she occassionally reads her old works live.
100: The Introduction
The author introduces the podcast. Mar 28 2008
101: The Mirror Shattered, Part 1
Captain Riker, a descendant of the great Captain William T. Riker of our universe, makes contact with the Mirror Universe but when his ship is nearly destroyed he only has one chance to warn the Federation. Mar 28 2008
102: The Mirror Shattered, Part 2
With Starfleet warned of a huge incoming fleet, they prepare for battle. A man deals with the death of a loved one and a new Federation political figure arrives. Apr 04 2008
The author introduces the podcast. Mar 28 2008
101: The Mirror Shattered, Part 1
Captain Riker, a descendant of the great Captain William T. Riker of our universe, makes contact with the Mirror Universe but when his ship is nearly destroyed he only has one chance to warn the Federation. Mar 28 2008
102: The Mirror Shattered, Part 2
With Starfleet warned of a huge incoming fleet, they prepare for battle. A man deals with the death of a loved one and a new Federation political figure arrives. Apr 04 2008
Star Trek New Beginning. Short 'episodes' Appears tobe about DS9. No change Dec. 24, 2013.
(01) The Refit (2:08)
(02) Defiant and Defiance (3:06)
(03) Home World Bound (2:45)
(04) Maco (3:18)
Star Trek: The NewFrontier (audio) 1 episode released prior to 2008. No more as of December 24,2013.
Star Trek: Objective Bajor
from bob's Youtube channel, an audiobook reading of a commercial Star Trek paperback written by John Peel 'for the blind... I endeavored to attempt to add some spice to a traditional "books on tape" by adding sound effects, and some music' in seven parts...
Chapters 1-6
1:27:31. 21 Jun 2016
Chapters 6-10
1:29:24. 4 Jul 2016
Chapters 10-14
1:27:16. 29 Jul 2016
Chapters 14-18
1:28:31. 28 Aug 2016
Chapters 18-22
1:24:35. 24 Sep 2016
Chapters 22-26
1:27:17. 18 Oct 2016
Chapters 26-29
1:10:52. 2 Nov 2016
1:27:31. 21 Jun 2016
Chapters 6-10
1:29:24. 4 Jul 2016
Chapters 10-14
1:27:16. 29 Jul 2016
Chapters 14-18
1:28:31. 28 Aug 2016
Chapters 18-22
1:24:35. 24 Sep 2016
Chapters 22-26
1:27:17. 18 Oct 2016
Chapters 26-29
1:10:52. 2 Nov 2016
Star Trek: Odyssey (2010)
The penultimate episode of the Star Trek: Hidden Frontier fan film series!
The preceding episodes of this spinoff series from the cast and crew that gave us Star Trek: Hidden Frontier were done as fan films and are listed on Star Trek Reviewed Blog 102. The storyline was concluded with the fan film Tossed Upon The Shore.
ODY 3.00: A Light In The Dark
With the fate of two galaxies hanging in the balance, Ro Nevin is taken on a journey through his past, as Captain Benjamin Sisko helps him to prepare for the dangerous tasks he faces when he returns to the Starship Odyssey. (40:37) Sep 30 2010
With the fate of two galaxies hanging in the balance, Ro Nevin is taken on a journey through his past, as Captain Benjamin Sisko helps him to prepare for the dangerous tasks he faces when he returns to the Starship Odyssey. (40:37) Sep 30 2010
Star Trek: Outlaws (2015-2017)
For more information on this illustrated audio drama, released on YouTube, see the listing on the new Star Trek Reviewed website at...
StarTrek: Outpost
See under Outpost
StarTrek: Pioneers
Seven episodes,following a newcrew and new Insignia class starship,the USS Pioneer. During a routine mission of exploration, theFederation discovers a gateway to the other side of the galaxy findinga whole new frontier waiting to be discovered. The USS Pioneer is theforerunner in the exploration of this new area of space, and all thedangers, new enemies, old friends, and mysteries it has to offer.1: NewFrontiers, Part 1 Jul 26 2004, 10.4 MB
The work of Kevin Cho, started in 2003 at the tender age of 14,originally working with Chris Edmund (ST: Morning Star) as part of'Starship Independence Audio Studios' then as 'Starship Napoli AudioStudios', 'Independence Audio Productions', 'Pioneer Audio Productions'until he finally became part of the Darker Projects stable of audiodramas in March 2005. The last episode, 'The Forgotten War,Part 2' was released in January 2006. Not to be confused with the fanfiction series, Star Trek: Pioneer by Travis Cannon.
2: NewFrontiers, Part 2 9/11/04, 12.3 MB
3: NewFrontiers, Part 3 28/12/04, 18.8 MB
4.1: BoldVenture, Part 1 30/03/05, 19.3 MB
4.2: BoldVenture, Part 2 30/03/05, 14.8 MB
5:Fate & Sacrifice Unreleased
6: The Forgotten War, Part 1 16/08/05, 36 MB
7: The Forgotten War, Part 2 1/01/06, 33.7 MB
Star Trek:Ranger
See under Starship Ranger.
StarTrek: The Section 31 Files
Space is dark.Let’s face it. Theuniverse of shiny, well-groomedStarfleet officers and the pristine starships of the United Federationof Planets where the Prime Directive rules and hopes for galactic unityof all species is an ongoing quest is reinterpreted in our vision ofthe reality of the Star Trek Universe. It’s not all “let’s be friendswith our alien brethren”. Here the Federation has a dark underbelly andthe daring crew of the Nosferatu boldly goes where Starfleet fears totread. These are desperate times. We are the desperate measure.Season1 000: Opening(1:01) 000: Welcome(1:06) 001: Altered Reflection, Part 1 Aug 13 2004 (27:40)
3 full seasons and the first three episodes of a 4th season
002: Altered Reflection, Part 2 Oct 23 2004 (25:02)
003: Altered Reflection, Part 3 3 Nov 01 2004 (21:55)
004: Altered Reflection, Part 4 Nov 01 2004 (14:07)
005: Shades of Grey Dec 13 2004 (28:53)
006: The Sum of One's Memories Jan 12 2005 (32:15)
007: Crimson: The Key Feb 05 2005 (26:15)
008: The Awakening Mar 14 2005 (28:20)
009: Bold Venture, Part 1 Mar 30 2005 (21:04)
010: Bold Venture, Part 2 Mar 30 2005 (16:09)
011: Harbinger Apr 20 2005 (27:38)
012: In His Name May 13 2005 (19:32)
013: Distant Shores Jun 15 2005 (19:57)
014: Knowledge is Power Jun 27 2005 (25:04)
Star Trek: The Section 31 Files Audio Drama. 3full seasons and the first three episodes of a 4th season as of12/24/2013, (unchanged from August 2012) "Nero's Legacy,""Ghost Ship," and "Prime."

Website: or
Facebook page:
Mirror Universe,
First trailer released November 7, 2014:
First episode released April 5, 2015 Episode 1, Revolutionaries, listenor download here: (29:01)or here:
Released July 15, 2015: A Short recording, Episode1.5 "Casualties of Conquest" (3:31)or (3:31)or (3:31).
Released May 14, 2017, Trailer for Episode 2, "The Xindi," listen or download here:
StarTrek: Starfinder AudioDrama. . 1st episode released February 28, 2013. It is set in the StarTrek Online universe. 5th minisode posted Dec. 23,2013. Pages allow live listening or download for listening later.
Facebook Page: . The story also includes comic books and prose, so this is a mixed series, primarily audio. I recommend you work from their website when reading and listening to this series.
A Review:
Prequel Graphic Novel links:
A. Episode 1. "The Back of Beyond"
B. Trailer for Episode 2, "Balance"

D. Minisode 5, "Monkey Business"
E, Episode 2, "Balance" Listen here:
A Review:
F. Five-minute Preview of Episodes 3/4 (Sept. 28, 2014):
G. Minisode 6 of Season 1, "Dead Again" (Oct. 31,2014)
H. Microsode, 1 "Standards" (January 24, 2015)
Crossover with another audio series, "Gates of Sto'vo'kor"
Part 1 "Message from the Outback," listen or download here: (33:19). On Nov. 29, Star Trek: Starfinder released this same episode. Listen here: (33:18)or here: .

Part 3, On December 19, 2014, Star Trek: Starfinder released "Gorn of ADifferent Color, Part 2," listen here: . This is Part 3 of the 4 part crossover with audio series, Gates of Sto'vo'kor.
Series discussed: (January 7, 2013)
Review: (January 13, 2015)
Part 2, Message from the Outback, (January 9, 2016) (32:08)
Star Trek: Tales from The Border (2016)
On a diplomatic mission to the failed Earth colony Turkana IV, still under Dominion occupation despite the peace treaty and Dominion withdrawal, Captain Mattingly, CO of the USS Rembrandt, and his crew find themselves thrust into a bloody power struggle for control of the planet in which the Rembrandt's support ensures victory for any faction. Before it's over their mission will test their wits, their consciences and their belief in Federation principles.
A new, short series from 4th Starveling Audio, with episode 2 in post production. Website, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.
1: One World's Monsters, Part 1
What should be a straightforward assignment quickly becomes more complicated and more perilous as the Rembrandt's presence proves to be a catalyst for chaos. Youtube (56:07) Jan 09 2016
2: One World's Monsters, Part 2
Star Trek: Twilight (2009)
The adventures of the USS Twilight and Captain Beckett.
Season 1
1x1: Into The Breach
The USS Twilight finds itself stranded after a devastating battle with the Borg, and the 51 missing crew members are nowhere to be seen... (mm:ss) Aug 28, 2009
1x2: Q Are You
Taken off his ship by a mysterious entity, Beckett encounters an injured alien named Cannis...(mm:ss) Aug 28, 2009
1x3: A World Made of Glass
Cannis takes the crew of the Twilight to his home world, where his people have a device capable of sending the ship home, but a traitor lurks aboard... (mm:ss) Aug 28, 2009
1x4: Shiver
During a refit at the orbital shipyards of Earth, Engineer Larson finds himself dealing with a haunting... (mm:ss) Aug 31, 2009
1x5: The Green Grass of Home
A parasitic cloud is laying waste to a farming planet, the Twilight arrives too late to save the population, but can the crew destroy the cloud before it envelops another innocent world.... (mm:ss) Aug 31, 2009
1x6: Past Forward
The Twilight encounters the wreck of the USS Odyssey NX-03 drifting in space, the ship has been lost for decades, and there is only one survivor aboard. A scientist called Tolian Soran.... (mm:ss) Aug 31, 2009
1x1: Into The Breach
The USS Twilight finds itself stranded after a devastating battle with the Borg, and the 51 missing crew members are nowhere to be seen... (mm:ss) Aug 28, 2009
1x2: Q Are You
Taken off his ship by a mysterious entity, Beckett encounters an injured alien named Cannis...(mm:ss) Aug 28, 2009
1x3: A World Made of Glass
Cannis takes the crew of the Twilight to his home world, where his people have a device capable of sending the ship home, but a traitor lurks aboard... (mm:ss) Aug 28, 2009
1x4: Shiver
During a refit at the orbital shipyards of Earth, Engineer Larson finds himself dealing with a haunting... (mm:ss) Aug 31, 2009
1x5: The Green Grass of Home
A parasitic cloud is laying waste to a farming planet, the Twilight arrives too late to save the population, but can the crew destroy the cloud before it envelops another innocent world.... (mm:ss) Aug 31, 2009
1x6: Past Forward
The Twilight encounters the wreck of the USS Odyssey NX-03 drifting in space, the ship has been lost for decades, and there is only one survivor aboard. A scientist called Tolian Soran.... (mm:ss) Aug 31, 2009
Season 2
2x1: Nightfall
After the devastating loss of Captain Beckett, the backstory of Soran and his encounter with the Odyssey is told in full, and the ramifications of the crazed scientist's actions decades earlier, become frighteningly relevant to the present... (mm:ss) Sep 03 2009
2x2: Sunrise
The Twilight returns to Earth, Kolor tries desperately to convince Admiral Pike to allow them to search for Soran, and Captain Beckett. Meanwhile, Yuri meets with the head of Section 31, unaware that he is being watched.... (mm:ss) Sep 07 2009
2x1: Nightfall
After the devastating loss of Captain Beckett, the backstory of Soran and his encounter with the Odyssey is told in full, and the ramifications of the crazed scientist's actions decades earlier, become frighteningly relevant to the present... (mm:ss) Sep 03 2009
2x2: Sunrise
The Twilight returns to Earth, Kolor tries desperately to convince Admiral Pike to allow them to search for Soran, and Captain Beckett. Meanwhile, Yuri meets with the head of Section 31, unaware that he is being watched.... (mm:ss) Sep 07 2009
Star Trek: Unity(US) (AudioProduction promising film, not to be confused with Blog 90, a different Star Trek:Unity group) (I am not doing reviews of these, but I listened to their first two and as of Dec 7, 2009, only episodes, and enjoyed them) On October 20, 2011, I received confirmation that, in spite of the lack of further audio releases or public comments they still planned to produce four audio episodes, albeit slowly. No more releases as of December 26, 2013. I messaged them asking if they were working on this on Dec. 26, 2013.
Star Trek: Valkyrie (2011)
There have been two audio drama production by this name, this one was released in 2011. The completed series was called an "audio drama" but the original shorts shown were 3D animation, on the original website (dead link as of June 2017) on the StarTrek Valkyrie Facebook page, and on this thread on the Phase II foums: (dead link since March 2010).
They elected to release this ENTIRE series at once. This thread: has the original links if my copy of them below does not work. MP4 is for iPods. Here is the entire posting because it's all valuable:
In the 24th century, the U.S.S Valkyrie is a timeless ship. Where time and space collide past and future connect, and a great power threatens to destroy it all. Nothing is as it seems and everyone has a secret.St
This page has all downloads of this series:
Things Change episode '100' (but the discussion calls it the pilot)
Part 2 of 2 (3:07)
Episode00 - CAPRICA (Running time 11:38)
Episode01 - THINGS CHANGE (Running time 6:20)
Episode02 - GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER (Running time 12:15)
Episode03 - CRUSADE (Running time 18:59)
Episode04 - THE DYING AND THE DEAD (Running time 17:03)
Episode05 - FIRST DAY OF A NEW ERA (Running time 14:57)
Episode06 - OPPOSITE EFFECT (Running time 11:45)
Episode07 - INJUSTICE (Running time 29:56)
Episode08 - I LOVE LUCY (Running time 17:26)
Episode09 - UPGRADE (Running time 14:24)
Episode10 - REVELATIONS (Running time 14:04)
Episode11 - THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS (Running time 16:09)
Episode12 - DAY STAR (Running time 20:35) PARTIALVIDEO: After 13:00
14 Episodes can be listened to from iTunes. (12/26/2013)
Star Trek: Valkyrie,working with through High Resolution released their 13th episode, "Things Change." on Friday, Feb. 17 2012 on YouTube. It was removed for copyright violations of music rightsin less than 24 hours. The entire webseries, including thisepisode and a 14th episode can be downloaded from Itunes here: (as of August 7, 2012)
Star Trek: Valkyrie (2012-16)
Based in Ohio but with voice actors from around the globe.
Itunes. The Itunes page has 11 items, but I show fifteen releases, below :

Video credits and trailer etc. (1:32) and (0:48). Also (1:55)
Thread on it at HF: .
Page on it on Star Trek Expanded Universe
In late May 2012, reported still looking for voice actors for drama set in the late 23rd century.
and June 28, 2012, they announced the release of their pilot episode,
August 2012 brings Episode 2, No. 101, The Road to Tomed and on August 31, Eps. 102 "Disaster Strikes." OnOctober 18, they released Eps. 103, "A Problem of Titan Proportions"
On December 21, 2012, they released this teaser video for episode 104: The Admiral:;. (0:44)
On February 28, 2014, they made a shout-out inviting writers to submit stories, here: (0:42)
100 New Command
Part 1 (14:25) 29 Jun 2012
Part 2 (3:08) 29 Jun 2012
101 The Road toTomed
StarTrek: Voyager, the Lost Episodes (2015-2020)
Page on it on Star Trek Expanded Universe
In late May 2012, reported still looking for voice actors for drama set in the late 23rd century.
and June 28, 2012, they announced the release of their pilot episode,
August 2012 brings Episode 2, No. 101, The Road to Tomed and on August 31, Eps. 102 "Disaster Strikes." OnOctober 18, they released Eps. 103, "A Problem of Titan Proportions"
On December 21, 2012, they released this teaser video for episode 104: The Admiral:;. (0:44)
On February 28, 2014, they made a shout-out inviting writers to submit stories, here: (0:42)
100 New Command
Part 1 (14:25) 29 Jun 2012
Part 2 (3:08) 29 Jun 2012
101 The Road toTomed
Teaser (1:20)
Part 1 (10:00)
Part 2 (5:52)
102 DisasterStrikes . Re-released 6/20/2014. (15:50)
103 A Problem ofTitan Proportions
104 The Admiral
102 DisasterStrikes . Re-released 6/20/2014. (15:50)
103 A Problem ofTitan Proportions
104 The Admiral
105 A Touch of theProphets. Part 1
"A Touch of theProphets. Part II" No. 201. (26:50)
"The Nebula"No. 202 Trailer:
Full Episode: (27:56)
"The Sculpture"No. 203 Trailer: (0:55)
Full Episode: (24:30)
Special Episode "TheCaptain's Table" trailer released 6/12/14. (0:31)
Part 1: Full episode released 6/15/14 (34:14)
Part 2: Full episode released 9/5/17 part of Starship Saladin: or (1:43:37)
Short (It takes place during Special Episode 1 "The Captain's Table")"Family" (7:47)(Released 6/20/2014)
"Reliant",No. 204 released 6/26/2014: (13:21)
Short 2, "Anniversary." released9/6/2014 (10:01).
Short 3, "Starbase44." Released 10/5/2014 (17:39)
Episode205, "TheInquiry," Released 11/02/2014 (19:23).

Season 3

"A Touch of theProphets. Part II" No. 201. (26:50)
"The Nebula"No. 202 Trailer:
Full Episode: (27:56)
"The Sculpture"No. 203 Trailer: (0:55)
Full Episode: (24:30)
Special Episode "TheCaptain's Table" trailer released 6/12/14. (0:31)
Part 1: Full episode released 6/15/14 (34:14)
Part 2: Full episode released 9/5/17 part of Starship Saladin: or (1:43:37)
Short (It takes place during Special Episode 1 "The Captain's Table")"Family" (7:47)(Released 6/20/2014)
"Reliant",No. 204 released 6/26/2014: (13:21)
Short 2, "Anniversary." released9/6/2014 (10:01).
Short 3, "Starbase44." Released 10/5/2014 (17:39)

Season 3

301 TheInquiry, Part 2 The Valkyrie makes its way back into the Milky Way while Captain Stanfield deals with his assignment on Earth (29:12) 22 Mar 2015
302 ThePrimal Directive The Valkyrie has resumed its mapping mission after it's accidental trip out beyond the Galactic Barrier and followup repairs and refit. She's entered the Anthrac system and found several anomalous things, including strange energy readings coming from an isolated valley on the fourth planet. A landing party beams down and has to do what it can to keep from violating the Prime Directive. (46:17) 10 Jun 2015
303 Canricians The Valkyrie is ordered to planet Delta Shylon II, to investigate a reported Antimatter explosion on the surface. (27:25) 18 Sep 2015
304 Klingon Honor The Valkyrie's mission continues. (18:15) 4 Jul 2020
StarTrek: Voyager, the Lost Episodes (2015-2020)
This series was started out as an audio drama in 2015 and was completed as an audio book by Starfleet Studios. See also where they have continued on the theme of continuing Star Trek: Voyager as a fan film. For example , "The Spider" Young Janeway (a video short) (2:06)
Ghosts Part 1
Released as an audio drama
Released as an audio drama
Ghosts Part 2
Released as an audio drama
Released as an audio drama
Ghosts Part 3
"Due the shear enormity of gathering voice recordings and the state of the world I have decided to release the next episodes with one voice [ie as an audio book]. Someday perhaps we can get the voice actors together again."
Ghosts Part 4
The conclusion to the original fan audio drama. Star Trek Voyager the Lost Episode... It was intended as a part 2 to the Television Episode "Deadlock". Created by David Whitney of Starfleet Studios. After 4.5 years I realized I would never get the gang back together and released it myself. The script was intended to be a pitch to Paramount when Voyager was still being aired. Obviously it never made it....and yes, there is a few more outlines but that is another story..."
StarTrek: Xen 1stEpisode, Things Not Seen Part 1, released May 12, 2011. No further news as of December 27, 2013. Marked as "Retired" as of April 2015.
Tales from the DMZ(audio) Nine Episodes complete the series, as of 2/14/2015.
Episode 1: A Choice of Targets: (9:32)
Episode 2: Aftermath, Part 1:
Episode 3: Aftermath, Part 2:
Episode 4: Escalation:
Special Episode: Tale of Savei: (9:59)
Episode 5: Countermeasures (27:13)
Episode 6: Cold Thought (27:16)
Episode 7: Conflict of Interest (41:27)
Episode 8: (final, released Feb. 14, 2015) (37:46)
Tales of Death and Honour (2008)
The Klingon paradox: If family honour is more important than life itself, what would you do if you had to choose between family ... and honour?
Produced by Kirok of L'Stok, an exceedingly handsome and witty TrekBlogger out of New South Wales, Australia, this is the only part produced of what was to be a trilogy.
A mother must let her son fight his first battle (12:31 Jun 29 2008)
A mother must let her son fight his first battle (12:31 Jun 29 2008)
UFP - Codename Novus Facebook page:
Episode 1 (An Audio drama about the politics of the United Federation of Planets. Episode 1, Listen here: (19:00).
Voyages of the USS Angeles
Follow this link to the entry about this production on the new Star Trek Reviewed Database
Voyages of the USS Sisyphus (2009-2016)
These are the Voyages of the Starship Sisyphus. Exploring the strange [new?] borders of improvised comedy and trekdom.
A Chicago-based comedic improv group which creates live Trek comedy shorts, video and audio set in the time and universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation. WARNING: Some audio releases by Improvised Star Trek may not be family-friendly. Adult fans, Chicago, comedy, improv. See Star Trek Reviewed Blog 130 for their video output.
Series (yyyy-yyyy)
Promo blurb
NX-01 released one episode, which was quickly withdrawn for re-editing and various tweaks (and probably rescoring by me, as I'd composed and performed the title music for it, which is available her: although these were never done, I gather, and the project languished. I also voice Malcolm Reed.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the heads-up. Please let me know if the audio drama is ever released in final form so that I can include it in this listing.
ReplyDeleteanyone have any links to the Defiant series 4-6?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know, Defiant is no longer on the internet. Since you didn't give anyone information to get in touch with you, no one can give you a copy of their copy. You might consider posting this on the Trek BBS for fan films, with information about how somebody who has a copy can get in touch with you.
ReplyDeletei just found a torrent for the first 13 episodes of star trek defiant:
ReplyDeletedirect torrent download:
to anonymous above: do you have series 1-3? maybe if you share those you can motivate someone else to help you out.
greetings, eMBee.
seasons 1-3 are found in a "star trek audio collection ver 3.0" torrent. along with a bunch of others. no "site" link but a general search found many places to dl the torrent file.
ReplyDeleteI now have an ad-free link with ALL episodes of Star Trek Defiant, but not the permission of the person who uploaded it to post it here. I am therefore offering it to anyone who contacts me and asks for that link. You can leave a comment here with you e-mail or other contact information and the words, "do not post" (I won't post it with your e-mail anyway). Or, you can PM me on Facebook ( ) for the link. Again, ALL of Star Trek: Defiant is now available but I can't publish the link you have to contact me personally for it!
ReplyDeleteI would appreciate the links if you still have them.
DeleteI usually do not allow requests for these links to post. However, you have given me NO WAY to contact you. I have linked to you at Google and asked to contact there, but I cannot send to the link without a way to contact you. I will need from you a way to send you the link as well as a promise that you will not post those links publicly. If you are willing to settle for the series in MP3 format instead of the original MP4 format, you can find those links above in the post under Star Trek Defiant. However, if you want a link to the original MP4 format, you must give me a promise to not publish it publicly and a way to send that link to you privately. You can contact Star Trek Reviewed by e-mailing us at
DeleteThat is OK. The above files are fine. Thank you for getting back to me.
DeleteBob, I have deleted your comment as requested and also tried, repeatedly, to send you the link to Star Trek: Defiant. Please let me know if you have gotten it or not!
ReplyDeletei am just listening to the silver age excelsior. a small correction: "The Line" is an aprils fools special, featuring a storyline from the borg war, before the time of the rest of the excelsior episodes. i could not see any other episode with that content, so i don't think it is a re-release, but just a funny episode. and is that an opera or a musical? hmm, a space opera, that must be it :-)
ReplyDeletegreetings, eMBee.
Star Trek: Valkyrie Special Episode 1 "The Captain's Table" is more special then it lets on. it's like the ultimate crossover of all star-trek fan productions. Captains from several fan productions meet and tell their stories, which are essentially recaps from real episodes.
ReplyDeletewhat an awesome idea!
it's a great way to recap old episodes and to introduce different fan productions.
i'd like to see, erm hear, more of that!
greetings, eMBee.
Thank You eMBee!
DeleteIt was my intention when I conceived and wrote that episode for it to be as you described. It took nearly a year and a half to get all the parts together from all the different actors/shows to get the episode you heard.
We really appreciate your support and for yoru comments on this episode!
Jerry Stanford - Exec. Producer of Valkyrie
Star Trek: Valkyrie short 3 "Starbase 44" is based on the same event as Potemkins S2-J "Closing Time". if you listened to this, you should watch the other.
ReplyDeletegreetings, eMBee.
DeleteI agree "Closing Time" should be watched as your suggest. If you check out our YouTube version, it has the video of "Closing Time" in the episode. It's also available on our website as the YouTube videos are embedded.
Thanks again!
Jerry Stanford - Exec. Producer of Valkyrie
"Star Trek: Valkyrie (post-Voyager)" (as I have taken to calling it, to contrast it with "Star Trek: Valkyrie (golden age)") seems to have updated many of its links, and its iTunes page no longer links correctly (at least, not for me). These are the episodes I found:
ReplyDeleteEp0 - Pilot:
Ep13 seems to be missing still.